Why are people always making fun of and vilifying hirsute individuals? It is not their fault, and Mr. Longabaugh very likely did not like being called hairy. So let’s take the high road from now on and …. oh, you mean his name was Harry, not that he was hairy. Never mind. ~ Emily Litella, still on the job
Those scorpions are spreading faster than internet misinformation. My mother has found 3 in her home in Missouri! Not exactly a state known for scorpions.
The dude from FL Premium Member over 1 year ago
I’ve stepped on scorpions 3 times, you’d think I’d learn. Those were 3 long days! Where I live now scorpions aren’t so aggressive…yet
Bilan over 1 year ago
So the bird can’t really fly but the scorpion can? Hmmm…
silberdistel over 1 year ago
The bird info is really disgusting.
Indiana Guy Premium Member over 1 year ago
The birds aren’t being given “a new life”!
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 1 year ago
Why are people always making fun of and vilifying hirsute individuals? It is not their fault, and Mr. Longabaugh very likely did not like being called hairy. So let’s take the high road from now on and …. oh, you mean his name was Harry, not that he was hairy. Never mind. ~ Emily Litella, still on the job
oakie817 over 1 year ago
the guy on the food channel said scorpions taste just like lobster
ladykat over 1 year ago
So that’s how he got that nickname!
markhughw over 1 year ago
I’ve been stung by surcharges on Spirit
mindjob over 1 year ago
Putin wanted to buy some of those bird drones, but they said no deal tough guy
WCraft Premium Member over 1 year ago
Those scorpions are spreading faster than internet misinformation. My mother has found 3 in her home in Missouri! Not exactly a state known for scorpions.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 1 year ago
Scorpions sting. And your point is?