Steve Kelley for September 06, 2023

  1. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  10 months ago

    “The Last Guy” is the politest thing we can call the sociopathic criminal oaf.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 10 months ago

    What’s wrong Kelley? Is tRump allowed to dish it out but not take it?

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    B 8671  10 months ago

    And another brainwashed member of the cult of trump speaks. What’s the matter kelley, lost the ability and intelligence to discern the facts for yourself?

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    neddij Premium Member 10 months ago

    Seriously, Steve? Trump’s most marketable skill is demeaning others. His biggest applause lines are when he whips out a clever nickname, like “Sleepy Joe.” He has been working on this skill since elementary school recess, so you really need to give him credit for his focus and sustained effort over the decades. But really, I am surprised that you aren’t criticizing Biden for not bringing his A-Game. There is so much farther he could go than “the last guy.” Trump really is a big target, and it is so much fun to see how he can dish it out but can’t take the slightest joke. Still laughing about the look on Trumps face when Obama played his birth video at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner.

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    gordon.f.brown Premium Member 10 months ago

    The only thing ‘Big’ about trump is the volume of ‘BS’ he can spew out of his mouth.

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    casonia2  10 months ago

    This is a really dumb deflection cartoon.

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  7. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 10 months ago


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    chipciof  10 months ago

    Maybe he should start calling him “The Next Guy”.

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    GiantShetlandPony  10 months ago

    Would you prefer That F’n Guy?

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  10. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  10 months ago

    Should be last and only guy

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    cdward  10 months ago

    Should probably just refer to him as P01135809.

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    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 10 months ago

    Why do Republicans keep demeaning the Republican Party by attacking the Democrats instead of promoting the Republican Party?

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    DC Swamp  10 months ago

    Biden’s poll numbers suck and 69% of Democrats polled think he’s too old. So his handlers are gonna have to put him on the campaign trail. Problem is every time he speaks he screws it up. Elder abuse.

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    suzalee  10 months ago

    Trump was the last guy. He’s not the President He is an ordinary citizen We don’t have kings for life here, thank goodness.

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  15. Yin yang
    Havel  10 months ago

    I’m not sure whether to be amused or confused. “The last guy” is derogatory, demeaning, ad hominem? Should we speak again of “snowflakes”?

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    Ontman  10 months ago

    Fools rush in where the ‘last guy’ leads them. Kelley is first in line.

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    piper_gilbert  10 months ago

    When there is no way of improving the image of the “Last Guy”, and you can’t, you must smear the “other guy.” Nice try, Steve. I’m sure President Mushroom appreciates it.

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    Judeeye Premium Member 10 months ago

    Are you kidding me! Trump is famous for his childlike name calling. Biden’s reference is definitely the high road.

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    davidthoms1  10 months ago

    If he referred to him as the criminal, the Republicans would scream foul!

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    studiotyler  10 months ago

    The correct terminology is actually “Fat Orange Felon”, though “Indicted Idiot” is also accepted.

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  21. Winged monkey
    Li'l Dale  10 months ago

    Not “The Big Guy”… The Big LIE!

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Trump is a lying traitor and an idiot, so is anyone who supports him.

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Lying Traitor Trump still fools the insurrectionist confederate republicans.

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    My First Premium Member 10 months ago

    Now, nearly 2 1/2 years into the Biden administration, it’s clear this administration still doesn’t understand the financial hardship the public is being forced to endure. Households are suffering under a $5,600 effective pay cut due to inflation, and prices are about 16% higher today than when Biden took office, ravaging the public’s earnings and savings.

    Even with the more recent downturn in inflation, the Biden White House has far less reason to boast than it claims. The consumer price index grew by 3.2% in July, which is a steep drop below the inflation of 9.1% last summer, the highest seen since 1981, but still above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target. More importantly, a sharper measure of inflation is the median consumer price index, or median CPI. That was 6.09% on July , nearly double the standard CPI.

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Facing multiple prison sentences, Trump fuels racial violence with attacks against prosecutors

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  26. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Trump Has Disparaged Fallen U.S. Soldiers & Gold Star Families on the Record

    PROVIDENCE, RI — Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a West Point graduate and the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, condemned President Trump’s language deriding members of the Armed Forces, fallen U.S. service members, and veterans.

    While President Trump denied much of the details from a report in the Atlantic that he called fallen American soldiers “losers” and “suckers” and asked staff that disabled veterans be excluded from military parades, Senator Reed noted that President Trump has been caught on tape on multiple occasions insulting veterans, POWs, Americans with disabilities, and active duty troops who were wounded in battle.

    “President Trump has denied saying a few of these things, but there is no denying his pettiness. He has certainly disparaged members of our Armed Forces who’ve dedicated their lives to serving others. He has verbally insulted Gold Star families, attacked the memories of courageous POWs like John McCain, derided men of honor like General Mattis, and played down the severity of trauma and wounds suffered by our deployed troops. Donald Trump has no understanding or meaningful regard for those who have rendered distinguished military service in war and peace. All of that is well established. You don’t need secondhand accounts because some of the comments occurred with cameras or microphones recording.

    “President Trump’s toxic brand of so-called leadership has done serious, lasting damage to the U.S. military. He has broken faith with our troops and sought to misuse the military for his own partisan agenda. He has taken money away from needed military projects and diverted it to his ineffective border wall. He seems intent on making it difficult for members of the U.S. military who are stationed overseas to exercise their right to vote. The list goes on.

    “It will take years to repair the damage President Trump has inflicted."

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    ‘Speaking into the wind’: Fox News hosts blast Matt Gaetz’s ‘proof’ for impeachment

    Fox News host Brian Kilmeade rebuked Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) for having unrealistic expectations about impeaching President Joe Biden.During a Wednesday discussion on the network about a possible impeachment inquiry, co-host Ainsley Earhardt noted that Gaetz was “threatening now to force an impeachment vote.”

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    ShadowMaster  10 months ago

    You want him to call him “That lying dunderhead with 91 charges against him?” Or maybe “The Grifter in that mugshot.” Or how about “The Greatest Crook that isn’t locked up?” Or “That Orange-Faced blowhard that tried to overturn a legal election?”

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    The witnesses in Jack Smith’s investigation are Republicans. This is no witch hunt. Your boy is just a criminal thug.

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  30. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    Judge brutally rejects Trump request for yet another trial delay: ‘Completely without merit’

    A New York judge quickly dismissed a last-minute request by Donald Trump to delay his bank and tax fraud trial in New York.The former president’s attorneys asked for a three-week halt so the judge can rule on requests from both New York attorney general Letitia James and Trump for a summary judgment in the $250 million civil suit, but Justice Arthur F. Engoron scrawled a nine-word response, reported The Daily Beast.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 months ago

    As GOP threatens shutdown, US childcare catastrophe just weeks away

    The United States is barreling headlong toward a childcare disaster as House Republicans threaten to shut down the federal government, casting doubt on the prospects of a last-minute agreement to approve additional childcare funding before emergency allotments expire at the end of September.Progressive lawmakers, advocates, and childcare providers have been sounding the alarm for months, warning that the nation’s already deeply flawed and difficult-to-access childcare system will be thrown into further chaos if funding approved during the coronavirus pandemic is allowed to lapse without any additional investments.

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    Sojourner  10 months ago

    You mean, aside from the fact that Biden can’t remember “the last guy’s” name?

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    DrDon1  10 months ago

    Many Western Pennsylvanians were wrong … Kelley can ( should? ) carry Rob Rogers’ jockstrap!

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    momochan  10 months ago

    Biden should be the new medical abbreviation for brain dead.

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    Sojourner  10 months ago

    You mean, aside from the fact that Biden can’t remember the name of “the last guy”?

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  36. Freeradical
    Free Radical  10 months ago

    Because the former disgraced fake hair indicted criminal ex president takes too long to say

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    My First Premium Member 10 months ago

    “I wouldn’t have been elected to the United States Senate in the first place were it not for Philadelphia. That’s not a joke.” —Joe Biden (D-Delaware)

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  38. Animals being weird
    wildthing  10 months ago

    I hate calling him by name too. I’ll just call him PO1135809 from now on.

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