Several months ago, I stopped visiting all news sites. I’ve discovered that I have not missed one thing. The “news” is like a soap opera. You can miss several months of reading or viewing, then come back, and pick up where you left off. I still get some daily gleanings from my brother who insists on watching his propaganda….ah, news shows daily, but I try to stay in the other end of the house when he’s watching. And this comment section is closest thing to social media that I’m on. I’ve found that I am much happier than when I was constantly following the news.
Enter.Name.Here about 1 year ago
“Debt ceiling talks stalled again today…”
(Inhales ……… hold…….hold…….hold…….exhales……) Ok, I’m ready. Bring it. Who did what? (Inhales…………)
Charliegirl Premium Member about 1 year ago
We’re all gonna be hitting the bottle.
William Bednar Premium Member about 1 year ago
Having a little “hair of the Human”?
Willywise52 Premium Member about 1 year ago
I stopped listening a week ago.Fire Washington!
Nubmaeme about 1 year ago
Several months ago, I stopped visiting all news sites. I’ve discovered that I have not missed one thing. The “news” is like a soap opera. You can miss several months of reading or viewing, then come back, and pick up where you left off. I still get some daily gleanings from my brother who insists on watching his propaganda….ah, news shows daily, but I try to stay in the other end of the house when he’s watching. And this comment section is closest thing to social media that I’m on. I’ve found that I am much happier than when I was constantly following the news.
rockyridge1977 about 1 year ago
….does make it better….for awhile!!!
cuzinron47 about 1 year ago
Watching the news is not good for the digestion.
ShariMccormick 12 months ago