C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for November 18, 2023

  1. Rick and morty 91d86486 2737 4e8f a1ca 8e1b1ed1070d
    sevaar777  about 1 year ago

    From the ashes comes genius…

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    cdward  about 1 year ago

    There’s the old saying, “Writers write.” You do it because you have to. If you’re lucky, you can share it with people who might appreciate it. If you’re really lucky, you might be able to sell it. And if you’re one-in-10,000,000 lucky, you might be able to make a living from it. Part of me job required quite a bit of writing, which allowed me a creative outlet that actually paid. I don’t take for granted how lucky I was.

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    prrdh  about 1 year ago

    “I think my depression just gave me an idea…what’s it like to have only one ear?”

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    Sisyphos  about 1 year ago

    Words of wisdom from Monsieur Smokey (who is but Mona’s “other voice”). Angst and depression are hallmarks of all but a few artists….

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