Later, Lucy asked Charlie Brown why he wasn’t in the army, and he told her it was cuz he was too young. She didn’t accept that answer, and called him a slacker.
WOW. This cartoon appeared eight years before Jules Feiffer’s MUNRO, where a four year old is mistakenly drafted into the Army. MUNRO appeared in Jules Feiffer’s PASSIONELLA AND OTHER STORIES (1959) and was made into an Academy Award winning short film by Gene Deitch in 1960. It is one of my favorite animated cartoons of all time and I highly recommend it. You can see it on YouTube. How amazing it is to learn that Charles M. Schulz might have inspired Feiffer. I think he did so more than once; Feiffer’s Bernard Mergendeiler is a grown up Charlie Brown.
dl_supertroll 7 months ago
This comic was published in 1951. Korea?
therese_callahan2002 7 months ago
Later, Lucy asked Charlie Brown why he wasn’t in the army, and he told her it was cuz he was too young. She didn’t accept that answer, and called him a slacker.
jmcenanly 7 months ago
How did a Kindergartner get on a mailing list?
nancyb creator 7 months ago
WOW. This cartoon appeared eight years before Jules Feiffer’s MUNRO, where a four year old is mistakenly drafted into the Army. MUNRO appeared in Jules Feiffer’s PASSIONELLA AND OTHER STORIES (1959) and was made into an Academy Award winning short film by Gene Deitch in 1960. It is one of my favorite animated cartoons of all time and I highly recommend it. You can see it on YouTube. How amazing it is to learn that Charles M. Schulz might have inspired Feiffer. I think he did so more than once; Feiffer’s Bernard Mergendeiler is a grown up Charlie Brown.
uniquename 7 months ago
You’re just on Mr. Schulz’s drafting board, Charlie Brown.
Troglodyte 7 months ago
That must be one really desperate army if they tried to enlist poor CB!
raybarb44 7 months ago
A lot of us joined, even during Viet Nam,,,,,,
Petemejia77 7 months ago
Can you imagine a draft NOWADAYS with today’s youngsters?? I don’t even want to imagine!
Shikamoo Premium Member 7 months ago
Scary thought, Charlie Brown.