Back in the day, you changed your windows twice a year. In the fall, you put up storm windows. In the spring, you took down the storm windows and put the screens up so it would be easier to open the window and get fresh air circulating in the house. That means that – If you lived in a two-story house, someone needed to climb up a ladder to the second floor with the heavy storm windows to put them up in the fall. Then, in the spring, you had to go up to the second floor and carry the storm windows back down before putting the screen windows in their place. The storm windows were usually stored in he basement, somewhere in the vicinity of the coal-burning furnace. The storm windows and/or screen windows could NOT be installed while you were inside the house. You always had to be outside the house to install them, so you had to climb up the ladder with the windows in tow.
Steve Bartholomew 8 months ago
Thinking inside the box.
bhall1602 8 months ago
Sluggo is no dope.
snsurone76 8 months ago
F’cryinoutloud, why doesn’t she help him??
LoisG Premium Member 8 months ago
Back in the day, you changed your windows twice a year. In the fall, you put up storm windows. In the spring, you took down the storm windows and put the screens up so it would be easier to open the window and get fresh air circulating in the house. That means that – If you lived in a two-story house, someone needed to climb up a ladder to the second floor with the heavy storm windows to put them up in the fall. Then, in the spring, you had to go up to the second floor and carry the storm windows back down before putting the screen windows in their place. The storm windows were usually stored in he basement, somewhere in the vicinity of the coal-burning furnace. The storm windows and/or screen windows could NOT be installed while you were inside the house. You always had to be outside the house to install them, so you had to climb up the ladder with the windows in tow.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 8 months ago
Sluggo prepares for incarceration at Guantanamo Bay.
ladykat 8 months ago
Works for me.
diego1960 8 months ago
Sluggo has issues.
brklnbern 8 months ago
Maybe, unless you wish to eat, or use the bathroom or your bedroom tonight.
anncorr339 8 months ago
Like sluggos solution
nonoyobeezwaks 8 months ago
Looks like a yellow fever/malaria quarantine hut.