I had a great cat who would come in from outside two or three times a day and invite me to go for a walk. He could walk wherever and whenever he wanted but he enjoyed having me along. We lived in an area where the walk included spacious views of sea and sky. He didn’t care about that. Our neighborhood was bounded on three sides by cow pasture. He would make side trips out into the grass to hunt and I knew I was supposed to come collect him in about ten minutes. I really miss that cat.
Shikamoo Premium Member 4 months ago
More like hikies.
dbrucepm 4 months ago
these boots are made for walkies
Dobber Premium Member 4 months ago
Some dogs fetch slippers, some fetch hiking boots.
Norris66 4 months ago
Don’t forget your talkies.
Strawberry King 4 months ago
And talkies. That’s a big 10-4.
mistercatworks 4 months ago
I had a great cat who would come in from outside two or three times a day and invite me to go for a walk. He could walk wherever and whenever he wanted but he enjoyed having me along. We lived in an area where the walk included spacious views of sea and sky. He didn’t care about that. Our neighborhood was bounded on three sides by cow pasture. He would make side trips out into the grass to hunt and I knew I was supposed to come collect him in about ten minutes. I really miss that cat.
Zebrastripes 4 months ago
Awwwww! So cute!
I remember playing with moms high heels and clunking around the house! LOL