Man oh Man, Ain’t that the truth.Kitten gets an aggressive spell every other month or so and destroys the arm of anyone within reach. I’m talking full on claws and bites, and we all want to ring her fuzzy little neck. However the next day it’s all cuddles, mews and purrs,,,,,,, he still lives! He is a tuxedo brand.
ladykat 6 months ago
I know my cats can.
sterref05 6 months ago
Man oh Man, Ain’t that the truth.Kitten gets an aggressive spell every other month or so and destroys the arm of anyone within reach. I’m talking full on claws and bites, and we all want to ring her fuzzy little neck. However the next day it’s all cuddles, mews and purrs,,,,,,, he still lives! He is a tuxedo brand.
thejanith Premium Member 6 months ago
Nice try, furface.
Thanks for the laugh, Mr Smith. It’s priceless.
Shikamoo Premium Member 6 months ago
Cats are good at looking cute after a mishap.
Katzi428 6 months ago
When you want to scream & yell at them . They look at you with BIG green eyes like "I’m sorry!! Please don’t be mad,K? "
Strawberry King 6 months ago
It also helps to lick their face. I know it sounds gross, but it’s cute.