Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for January 10, 2024

  1. Large first sunday of advent
    Dkram  12 months ago

    Top-o-the morning Vagabonds

    A soggy morning here, 36 degrees and light rain and the storm is blocking the satellite. ):-( Later on they say more snow, at 41 degrees, I don’t see how.

    Well, Jan our weather seems to be switched around, your getting freezing temps and we are well above freezing. Go figure.

    Well, today I’ll not be covering as much ground as yesterday just the usual daily business.

    I thank all you good folks for your prayers for Nate’s family and our church in this uncertain time.

    Great day to all y’all Vagabonds and may God bless.


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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  12 months ago

    more cold to come by friday!


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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  12 months ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    We had a day of relief today: 54 high and tonight will be in the 40’s. Then tomorrow it goes back down again. Go figure.

    I spent the day with Cozy today. She’s down in the dumps because someone hacked her bank account and took $15K! That was all the money she had to live on until she’s back on her feet again and most of it was gifts from friends. We talked a lot (well she did anyway, I just listened.) and I took her to the bank to straighten out a different problem and then for her first pedicure in several months. By the time we got home, she was laughing & joking.

    My schedule just keeps getting fuller. I remembered a ladies meeting at my own church on Saturday. So 2 appointments on Thursday, 1 on Friday and 3 on Saturday! Plus somewhere in there I have to make deviled eggs for the pot-luck at the ladies meeting. Thank goodness that next week is pretty much clear until Wednesday evening.

    I’m off to church with Mike in about an hour. I haven’t been in three weeks due to his not being available to drive. I’ve missed it.

    Everyone have a blessed evening.

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