I believe that some day caffeine will have to be made a controlled substance like alcohol. Consider the following scenario at a coffee bar played out between a customer and barista.
“Quick, another double expresso.”
“That’s your fourth.”
“Yeah. Who’s counting? Make it a triple.”
“Let me see your hands.”
(Quickly hiding hands behind back) “No. I’m cool, very cool, extremely cool … give me a double, now.”
“I cannot serve you unless you show me your hands.”
(Reluctantly presents one badly shaking hand.)
“Sorry, sir, but I’m going to have to cut you off. If I serve you when you are over the influence and you go and vibrate your car through a telephone pole, we would be legally liable.”
“Your loss. I know where I can find a street cart.” (Crying) I’m in control, I tell you. Why won’t this door open?"
(Kicks door and exits through cafe’s French doors)…
Argythree 11 months ago
Part of the Over- caffeination Nation…
BasilBruce 11 months ago
He hasn’t had a cup; he’s had a potful.
Crumb creator 11 months ago
And that was the decaf!
Gent 11 months ago
Coffee for morning beer for night
Help you runs all day and then sleeps tight
Imagine 11 months ago
So, it’s the coffee that makes the horses so skittish. Got it.
markkahler52 11 months ago
That and a “Red Bull” chaser, eh?!
Dobie Premium Member 11 months ago
I’m right there with ya, Horace!
Coffee means I can do stupid things faster and with more energy!
nancyb creator 11 months ago
He could repurpose it as rocket fuel.
rshive 11 months ago
At least consider decaf, Horace.
InTraining Premium Member 11 months ago
judging by the third panel, it musta been Hills Brothers coffee….?
ericlscott creator 11 months ago
A racing horse!
mistercatworks 11 months ago
I believe that some day caffeine will have to be made a controlled substance like alcohol. Consider the following scenario at a coffee bar played out between a customer and barista.
“Quick, another double expresso.”
“That’s your fourth.”
“Yeah. Who’s counting? Make it a triple.”
“Let me see your hands.”
(Quickly hiding hands behind back) “No. I’m cool, very cool, extremely cool … give me a double, now.”
“I cannot serve you unless you show me your hands.”
(Reluctantly presents one badly shaking hand.)
“Sorry, sir, but I’m going to have to cut you off. If I serve you when you are over the influence and you go and vibrate your car through a telephone pole, we would be legally liable.”
“Your loss. I know where I can find a street cart.” (Crying) I’m in control, I tell you. Why won’t this door open?"
(Kicks door and exits through cafe’s French doors)…
I’m just saying.
davewhamond creator 11 months ago
Expresso yourself, Horace!
Mike Baldwin creator 11 months ago
A cuppa giiddyupandgojo.
Frank Burns Eats Worms 11 months ago
Horace graduated from "Foal"gers to Maxwell Horse.