My current avatar, my Sara as a baby in a tissue box, is for you Mittens!
Monroe loves used TP rolls.
::quick phone call:: “Fiona there’s been a chance of plans …”
Be thankful for what you get, Mittens!
Big day at my house yesterday. Neither of my cats like boxes very much. Imagine my surprise when I found my older cat laying inside a box I had gotten that day. He stayed in it for hours. Of course I took a cute picture.
People who debate which side the end of the toilet paper roll should hang do not have cats.
uncle snipe 10 months ago
My current avatar, my Sara as a baby in a tissue box, is for you Mittens!
FreyjaRN Premium Member 10 months ago
Monroe loves used TP rolls.
cat19632001 10 months ago
::quick phone call:: “Fiona there’s been a chance of plans …”
ladykat 10 months ago
Be thankful for what you get, Mittens!
SusieB 10 months ago
Big day at my house yesterday. Neither of my cats like boxes very much. Imagine my surprise when I found my older cat laying inside a box I had gotten that day. He stayed in it for hours. Of course I took a cute picture.
mistercatworks 10 months ago
People who debate which side the end of the toilet paper roll should hang do not have cats.