Joey Weatherford for January 24, 2024

  1. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  5 months ago

    Republican indiment on biden is a stupid farce

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    Sheepish  5 months ago

    Biden wants to be under oath in public in front of cameras. remember, he showed up for that farce and he wouldn’t be able to answer any questions. so they would just be able to say anything and he wouldn’t be able to reply. Republican DON’T want him to speak publicly because they can’t lie about it later. This cartoonist is just another republicuck.

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  3. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Republicans focus on Hunter while they hold our budget hostage to end funding for Ukraine to help Putin because traitor Trump told them to.

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  4. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  5 months ago

    “Hey Hunter, you can have the rest of the day off, but only if you leave right now!”

    [sound of bar stools spinning furiously]

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    With so much information so readily available and so easily accessible, I want to commend the tens of millions who put so much effort into remaining totally clueless. You all are truly special in your own way!

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    DrDon1  5 months ago

    Joey just ‘created’ another category … The ‘Weatherford Stupid’ Award!

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    david_42  5 months ago

    Gee, he was at the public hearing and no one asked him anything. Harder to spin things when it’s on the record.

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  8. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Hunter Biden’s friend schools Republican Andy Biggs during impeachment hearing

    Morris testified to the committee: “I wasn’t paying for anything. I was loaning Hunter Biden the money for things. At the time I met him, he was in danger in his house. Paparazzi was there. People were coming up to his door with cameras, saying, ‘We just want to talk to him.’ People were yelling from outside of the bushes, ‘Hunter Biden, come out. Hunter Biden, come out.’ Melissa’s five months pregnant. I got him security. And he needed to move. And so — and we had to find a place quickly. We had to find a place that had privacy. And we ended up with that house.”

    Weiss suggested that Hunter Biden was sitting on more than $1 million that he could have been paying to the IRS, but was sent to third parties instead. Morris explained it wasn’t Biden’s money, it was his, and he wouldn’t hand it over, rather he made the payments directly as part of his loan.

    Morris, who is admitted to the Bar in California and New York, explained that he researched the ethics of loaning money to clients. “I’ll just clarify, Congressman, that the California rules of professional procedure, which I’ve looked at, there’s nothing wrong with a loan to a client when the client is fully informed and has complete knowledge.”

    Biggs replied, “Yeah, I’ve read the rules in California as well, and I’m choosing not to get into that right now. I mean, we might get into —”

    “Yeah, becaue I’m right,” Morris interrupted Biggs.

    “We might get into that later, I don’t know, but we don’t need to get into it now,” Biggs said.

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    ‘Parade of embarrassments’: James Comer slammed by fellow Republicans for impeachment dud

    “One would be hard-pressed to find the best moment for James Comer in the Oversight Committee,” one Republican told the Messenger. “It’s been a parade of embarrassments.”

    The core of Comer’s investigation has been a probe into Biden’s son, Hunter, and his foreign business dealings. However, after more than a year of subpoenas of bank records and testimonies, Comer has yet to produce any smoking gun that would directly implicate the president in any “high crimes and misdemeanors” that would necessitate impeachment.

    Comer was additionally embarrassed after Hunter Biden’s attorney pointed out that the original subpoena of his client was “legally invalid.”

    “James Comer continues to embarrass himself and House Republicans. He screws up over and over and over,” a Republican source told the outlet. “I don’t know how Republicans actually impeach the president based on his clueless investigation and lack of leadership.”

    An ally of former President Donald Trump told the Messenger that Comer had “cast a wide net and caught very little fish,” saying that it was becoming “a big problem” for the GOP. He added that Republican voters are “starting to get more and more frustrated with [Comer] because they see all this smoke but they don’t see the movement.”

    In the meantime, republicans hold our budget hostage because they want to help Putin destroy Ukraine.

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  10. Picture
    Ontman  5 months ago

    Really? Who’s zooming who?

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    A ‘taste of their own medicine’: House GOPer’s Biden probe is blowing up their facesRepublican House members who are trying to use public hearings on Hunter Biden’s legal problems, in an effort to damage President Joe Biden’s re-election prospects, are finding the Democrats are more than willing to fight fire with fire.

    House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) along with House Judiciary Committee head Jim Jordan(R-OH) have allowed members of their caucus free rein to make attacks on the Bidens only to receive return fire from Democrats Like Reps. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL).

    According to a report from the Daily Beast’s Riley Rogerson, Republicans are finding themselves back on their heels at the unexpected pushback from Democrats on what they thought was a winning strategy, with Moskowitz explaining his party is “giving them a taste of their own medicine.”

    As he explained, following his holding up enlarged pictures of Donald Trump with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein at a recent hearing, “They’ve decided to turn it into Cirque Du Soleil Oversight where literally, it’s just a total show. If that is the game that they are going to play, then game on."

    As the Beast’s Rogerson wrote, “… the young, spunky cohort of Democrats—mentored by the leader of Trump’s second impeachment, Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD)—are refusing to take it. Where past generations of Democrats might have sat back, preferring to let Republican dysfunction speak for itself, the Oversight Dems are hitting Republicans hard.”

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