Pigeon, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I always appreciate those times when I feel calm and happy. I can get things done. It’s the suddenness of the return of the depression/sadness that makes it feel worse.
I feel your pain little Pigeon. I can only take so much socializing until the negative thoughts creep in. Its exhausting. But I think it’s ok, for me anyway. As I’ve aged, I have learned to except who I am and how I work.
Oh, yeah, been there and been mugged by those depression attacks. I remind myself it’s hormones and not real, then shove it to the back of my mind and think of all the good things in my life.
ikini Premium Member 11 months ago
Pigeon, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I always appreciate those times when I feel calm and happy. I can get things done. It’s the suddenness of the return of the depression/sadness that makes it feel worse.
TwoCrows 11 months ago
I feel your pain little Pigeon. I can only take so much socializing until the negative thoughts creep in. Its exhausting. But I think it’s ok, for me anyway. As I’ve aged, I have learned to except who I am and how I work.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member 11 months ago
They come out of nowhere, don’t they?
Buoy 11 months ago
I feel your pain, and sh!t happens, but you don’t have to let it define you.
Wendy Emlinger Premium Member 11 months ago
Oh, yeah, been there and been mugged by those depression attacks. I remind myself it’s hormones and not real, then shove it to the back of my mind and think of all the good things in my life.