One of Washington’s younger brothers was envious of the attention that George received for telling the truth after chopping down their father’s favorite cherry tree. He decided to do something bad himself and confess so he could also be praised.
That night, he went out and pushed the outhouse into the Potomac Rover.
The next morning, he came down to find old Colonel Washington sitting grumpily at the breakfast table. “Father, I cannot tell a lie. Last night, I pushed the outhouse into the Potomac River,” he said proudly.
Colonel Washington pulled off his leather belt and gave the younger brother the beating of his life.
The younger brother asked tearfully, “Father, when Geroge told the truth about chopping down the cherry tree, you rewarded him. But when I told the truth about the outhouse, you punished me. Why?”
Colonel Washington said, “Son, the difference is that when George chopped down the cherry tree, I wasn’t in it!”
Especially in the American South. The quote is from the greatest literary figure from Mississippi, William Faulkner. It’s in his book “Requiem for a Nun”.
George Washington was probably the greatest deceiver in the history of our nation prior to Fox News. The misinformation he fed the British about American troop strengths and movements did at least as much to win the Revolution as the actual fighting did.
Sun Tzu (The Art of War) would have been proud of him
RuinQueenofOblivion 10 months ago
“I object to this characterization, that story was made up by a biographer!”
Ratkin Premium Member 10 months ago
A propos for Presidents Day
SHIVA 10 months ago
Now that’s the pits!!!!
Uncle Kenny 10 months ago
One of Washington’s younger brothers was envious of the attention that George received for telling the truth after chopping down their father’s favorite cherry tree. He decided to do something bad himself and confess so he could also be praised.
That night, he went out and pushed the outhouse into the Potomac Rover.
The next morning, he came down to find old Colonel Washington sitting grumpily at the breakfast table. “Father, I cannot tell a lie. Last night, I pushed the outhouse into the Potomac River,” he said proudly.
Colonel Washington pulled off his leather belt and gave the younger brother the beating of his life.
The younger brother asked tearfully, “Father, when Geroge told the truth about chopping down the cherry tree, you rewarded him. But when I told the truth about the outhouse, you punished me. Why?”
Colonel Washington said, “Son, the difference is that when George chopped down the cherry tree, I wasn’t in it!”
jimmjonzz Premium Member 10 months ago
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past”.
Especially in the American South. The quote is from the greatest literary figure from Mississippi, William Faulkner. It’s in his book “Requiem for a Nun”.
E.Z. Smith Premium Member 10 months ago
Fake News!
Purple People Eater 10 months ago
“William Faulkner”
Didn’t he play Columbo?
Geophyzz 10 months ago
Don Cherry ran for president?
Darryl Heine 10 months ago
He couldn’t tell a lie!
sarahbowl1 Premium Member 10 months ago
Yeah! BTW, happy Presidents Day!
Znox11 10 months ago
Times sure are different now…One guy couldn’t tell a lie, another guy can’t tell the TRUTH.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member 10 months ago
“Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough.”
Zebrastripes 10 months ago
Fruit of the loons!
dflak 10 months ago
George Washington was probably the greatest deceiver in the history of our nation prior to Fox News. The misinformation he fed the British about American troop strengths and movements did at least as much to win the Revolution as the actual fighting did.
Sun Tzu (The Art of War) would have been proud of him
Doug K 10 months ago
I cannot tell a lie – I feel like I want to chop down another cherry tree.
uniquename 10 months ago
George has been am-bushed.
gregcartoon Premium Member 10 months ago
… next, the tree’s gonna go off about George’s “Wooden Choppers” and what that REALLY means.
Mike Baldwin creator 10 months ago
That´s Tree-son!
thejanith Premium Member 10 months ago
Love it! Thanks for mentioning Presidents’ Day.
Frank Burns Eats Worms 10 months ago
The tree’s been accused of cherrymandering.
SFpagan 10 months ago
Meanwhile Sam Adams was creating his best brew …..
mistercatworks 10 months ago
“Stick to the point. Time’s a’wastin’. Chop-chop.”