TBS promoted the Braves as “America’s Team” (Ted Turner owned both), and since TBS was available nationwide pretty much everybody everybody who wanted to could watch their games. But since the Braves are the closest MLB team for much of the southeast* (even moreso before the late 80’s, when Florida got two teams), I think of them as “The Confederate States of America’s Team.”
*The Braves are the closest MLB team for more than 30 million people.
Think again. By-the-by, as a Packers fan in the Frozen Tundra, Dallas is welcomed to have Mike McCarthy. I wonder how many games the Packers lost during his tenure simply because he was out-coached?
Need coffee 10 months ago
Craig Morton
Ellis97 10 months ago
Unless there’s a huge salary involved.
A.Ficionada 10 months ago
Hats and noses in this are great! lol
Totalloser Premium Member 10 months ago
I always think of the Cowboys as South Americas Team
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 10 months ago
You’re “America’s team” only if you win.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 10 months ago
“Is Brooklyn still in the League?”
johnaapc 10 months ago
He should be shown the door
fritzoid Premium Member 10 months ago
TBS promoted the Braves as “America’s Team” (Ted Turner owned both), and since TBS was available nationwide pretty much everybody everybody who wanted to could watch their games. But since the Braves are the closest MLB team for much of the southeast* (even moreso before the late 80’s, when Florida got two teams), I think of them as “The Confederate States of America’s Team.”
*The Braves are the closest MLB team for more than 30 million people.
Joan Tinnin Premium Member 10 months ago
I will never understand the self proclaimed “America’s team” business. Only if Texas is all of America. Please, no!
Soo5002 10 months ago
Think again. By-the-by, as a Packers fan in the Frozen Tundra, Dallas is welcomed to have Mike McCarthy. I wonder how many games the Packers lost during his tenure simply because he was out-coached?
Teto85 Premium Member 10 months ago
Tom Brady’s daughter has held the Lombardi Trophy more times than the Cowflops have won playoff games in the last 23 years. And she’s 10.