The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 10, 2010
Huey: It's not the guns that bother me, I believe in the right to bear arms... Caesar: Right... Huey: It's the frightening ideologies behind the guns that worry me. I say, let's keep the guns... Caesar: True... Huey: And let's ban the conservative, imperialist, capitalist oppressors who make the world such a violent place! Think about it! We get rid of them and we don't need the guns anymore!! Caesar: You think they say the same thing about us?
rbethune1 almost 15 years ago
It’s true. It’s people who decide to kill people, using guns, knives, axes, spears, arrows, poisons, gases, sticks, mines, rocks, cars, explosive shoes, inflammable underwear and their bare hands. Take away one means and people will find another. Controlling violence has to start with changing the way people are.
blackman2732 almost 15 years ago
Yes, Ceasar, they do. That’s why the cycle continues.
puddleglum1066 almost 15 years ago
On the other hand, most people, most of the time, don’t kill anyone. So it’s only some of the people we have to change…
avonsalis almost 15 years ago
I think Caesar’s onto something, but it turns out to be wrong.
Yes, conservative imperialist capitalist oppressors may wish to ban black kids (or The People, whichever Huey means) just as much as the People wish to ban the oppressors.
But even if nobody at all remains besides conservative imperialist capitalist oppressors, they will still always need guns.
Brandon67 almost 15 years ago
Right on blackman2732! Guns aren’t your problem - People are!
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
And every militiaman has that right. To bear muzzle loading muskets and keep redcoats from our shores. As long as they can afford them. :) You got a choice total repression or people WILLINGLY change their hearts (if you want to stop the violence) Hammurabi usually wins since governments CAN’T change peoples hearts, but they can repress like crazy…Personally, I favor the right to bare arms since it makes for an even tan. Huey, however…
pbarnrob almost 15 years ago
Remember the example of the tribe that outlawed the bow and arrow.
What? Never heard of them? My point exactly.