Andertoons by Mark Anderson for June 19, 2024

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    cdward  10 days ago


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    edmund_graham  10 days ago

    How much sleep the kid gets every night?

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    ddjg  10 days ago

    Who, as a kid, hasn’t been shocked at finding their own teacher at a grocery store? They actually eat? So teachers need to study how to behave there . .

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    mistercatworks  10 days ago

    Not sure if it is a teacher-parent meeting, nor which is the teacher. Also, could be a court-mandated meeting between same sex spouses. All in all, too confusing for a joke.

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    Teto85 Premium Member 10 days ago

    My mother was actually called in for such a conference after my brother had verbally attacked his third grade teacher at the supermarket. This was when corporal punishment was still allowed in schools in our state. He could not be punished by the school because his behaviour was not at the school. He thought he got away with it until our mother started beating him when she got home. There was not military school to send him so she sent him to, in her mind, the next best thing, a local catholic school. The time there only served to make him worse. But he never verbally or physically attacked a teacher outside of school after that.

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