I went on eBay looking for books by Lennie and found two that he illustrated for other authors besides the collection of his TBP comic strips, which I have ordered. Oddly enough, eBay’s A.I. thought I might be interested in a collection of The Incredible Hulk comics. Is there something Lennie has not been telling us?…
proclusstudent 9 months ago
Henry David Thoreau once said that he had a library of over a thousand book, most of which he wrote himself.
proclusstudent 9 months ago
Henry David Thoreau once said that he had a library of over a thousand books, most of which he wrote himself.
Ken Norris Premium Member 9 months ago
I went on eBay looking for books by Lennie and found two that he illustrated for other authors besides the collection of his TBP comic strips, which I have ordered. Oddly enough, eBay’s A.I. thought I might be interested in a collection of The Incredible Hulk comics. Is there something Lennie has not been telling us?…