Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for May 11, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  7 months ago

    Making A Garbage Job A Bit Less Garbage

    In my very late teens, I was asked to pet-sit for my minister and his family while they were away to visit relatives. As their cat was easily stressed out, they wanted to keep him — and therefore their other pets — at home and have someone stop by for a few hours each day to take care of them. It sounded like an easy gig for a teenager on summer holidays.

    Two days before they were set to go away, his wife met with me after the church service to provide me with a list of things they’d want me to do. All of it was reasonable, except for one item on the list that read: “Juice boxes for Andy and Phil on Thursday”.

    It turned out that when their son was a toddler, he loved trucks. Therefore, he loved to see the garbage truck come by every week, and in the summer, he was very worried that the garbage men would get too hot in their truck.

    In the spirit of encouraging kindness and generosity, his mother allowed him to go and give the garbage men juice boxes when they came by so that they’d have something to drink.

    And then they just kept doing it, giving their local garbage crew juice every week without fail. It was now a tradition that multiple garbage crews had lived through and passed onto the next.

    Yes, Andy and Phil got their juice boxes. After fifteen years, I wasn’t going to be the one to break their streak!

    NOT my story.

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    nancyb creator 7 months ago

    I was a child in Newark, N.J. in the early 60s and there was accurate coverage of the Panthers’ programs in the local newspapers. Television news painted the Panthers as dangerous radicals. Those are indeed radical ideas.

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    tcayer  7 months ago

    How noble. In 30 years we’ll be looking back fondly on Flash-Robs!

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member 7 months ago

    They were badly misrepresented by the media

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