Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for June 23, 2024

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    thevideostoreguy  6 months ago

    Curiosity has a way of doing things to a cat, Peekaboo. I don’t think you want to know what those things are.

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    rekam Premium Member 6 months ago

    Cat got up on our builtin bookcase and, fortunately, did not knock over the large cut-glass vase we had up there. When we got up in morning, she found a hiding place, she thought. Discovered her and put her out for the day before leaving for work.

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    Gizmo Cat  6 months ago

    The only mischief my cat (and previous cats) does, is demolish my plants if I am not in the room to prevent it. Never had a cat climb the curtains or cause that much destruction. (Yes, there will be the occasional book knocked off a table, but that’s more when she gets startled by something and tries to run away from it.)

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    GirlGeek Premium Member 6 months ago

    I don’t think I’ll ever have a pet…I care too much about my PS5

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    Purple People Eater  6 months ago

    Have you never heard what curiosity did to the cat?

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    1953Baby  6 months ago

    OH. MY GAWD. It must be something in the air. . .our cats have been absolutely nutz this week. . .up on the top of the cabinets, down in the bathtub, pull the towels off the racks, hit every surface in the house looking for something to push/pull off, hit every toy under the furniture, wind across/around/through every electric cord visible, up on the top of piano (upright), and then. . .plunk down, full length, in the kitchen. . .waiting for something to eat.

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    Doug K  6 months ago

    After a lot of curiosity inside, it’s time to have some curiosity outside.

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    tcayer  6 months ago

    Better tell Kitty the old adage about curiousity!

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    paranormal  6 months ago

    Peekaboo had a busy day!!!

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    mrwiskers  6 months ago

    Avian flu has decimated the bird population around here. Please ,keep your feline pals indoors.

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    mrwiskers  6 months ago

    Estimates suggest that cats kill between 1.3 and 4 billion birds annually in the United States, and 100 million in Canada. Feral or unowned cats are responsible for 69% of these kills. Cats are considered one of the biggest threats to birds in the wild and are the leading human-caused threat to birds in the United States and Canada. Their predation is also responsible for one-third of the 800 native bird species in the U.S. being endangered or in decline.

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    [Unnamed Reader - bddb15]  6 months ago

    What is a PS5?

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 6 months ago

    Proof the world is not flat. If it was, cats would have pushed everything over the edge.

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    norphos  6 months ago

    Mischievous kitten.

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    Ukko wilko  6 months ago

    A brief summary of why I would never have a cat.

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    daleandkristen  6 months ago

    I can’t help it.

    Peek a Boo is so darn cute, especially in the bottom panel whilst dancing on the books preparatory to knocking them off the shelf.

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    DKHenderson  6 months ago

    I would love to see if someone could draw a cartoon cat walking the way cats actually walk, with both legs on one side moving in unison, then the other side. As far as I know, only cats, camels, and giraffes walk that way.

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