Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for June 11, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  6 months ago

    You’re good kid!

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    snsurone76  6 months ago

    Flossie could be hired out as a scouring pad.

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    Nachikethass  6 months ago

    If they are both in the same class, one or the other seems to be slightly misplaced!

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    jonescientific  6 months ago

    Sadly, officials in several states are trying to do away with more advanced programs for gifted students.

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    Freebyrd1  6 months ago

    Anybody seem the film Idiocracy? It was made as a comedy but….. Governments and rich people thrive on the ignorant poor. While their children go to well provided schools.

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    kucpa Premium Member 6 months ago

    I’m waiting for the coyote and roadrunner to be zipping by in that first panel.

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    preacherman Premium Member 6 months ago

    I’m with you little guy. Swings are best.

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    Skeptical Meg  6 months ago

    He’s got the idea. Swings are an excellent example of continuous change.

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    Anon4242  6 months ago

    Our son was in gifted programs in school. It’s not always all that great a thing. He still had to fight a lot of boredom in class, because gifted or not, the class travels at the speed of the slowest student. It’s better if you don’t allow schools/programs to limit what your kid learns. People don’t seem to realize that school is not the only source of learning and the world is a much bigger place outside of school. I told our son, you have to do your homework and get the boring stuff done – and then we can go have fun and learn about anything you want. We build catapults, and rockets, and visited museums, and read a lot of books.He’s an electrical engineer now, has a great job and is working on his Phd.

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    ladykat  6 months ago

    You’re not, Nerwin.

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    bobpeters61  6 months ago

    Perhaps it’s Flossie who’s missing out on something in pursuit of something else.

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    CccComics4me  6 months ago

    I always loved the calculus courses 1, 2, and 3 in college, and matrix calculus. Although I can’t say I’ve used it much since I graduated.

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    cuzinron47  6 months ago

    Nothing useful.

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    Billy Yank  6 months ago

    Flossie sounds like a Young Sheldon in the making. Unless she and Nerwin are a lot older then they look, their classmates would be struggling with long division and irregular fractions.

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    mistercatworks  6 months ago

    Calculus is actually pretty cool. It gives you some idea why you spent all that time on geometry. :)

    I got all the way up to tensor calculus which Einstein invented. It uses matrices each term of which is an infinite series. Yeah, it was a real mind-bender of a class at 8 a.m. during hay fever season.

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    rob.home  6 months ago

    Despite easily obtaining high results (sez I, boastfully) all through years of math, I was blessed with an uninterested teacher in calculus in final year (may God rest her soul), and did not do well. It cost me a year of my life (as well as expense for my parents, to support me).

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