Dogs have owners, cats have staff. (Also you don’t have to walk a cat in bad weather.) The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as Gods and the cats have never forgotten!
I don’t have a pet as a “friend” but as a companion. At that, cat’s excel by being companionable without continually abasing themselves for affection. Plus, sleeping 16 hours a day gives me plenty of “me time”. :)
ladykat 6 months ago
Ida No 6 months ago
Honesty. That’s not what we keep dogs for. We keep dogs to watch them lick themselves.
fgerbil46 6 months ago
Dogs have owners, cats have staff. (Also you don’t have to walk a cat in bad weather.) The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as Gods and the cats have never forgotten!
marilynnbyerly 6 months ago
The smart cat who wants his next meal is more diplomatic unless he’s owned by a cat lady.
mistercatworks 6 months ago
I don’t have a pet as a “friend” but as a companion. At that, cat’s excel by being companionable without continually abasing themselves for affection. Plus, sleeping 16 hours a day gives me plenty of “me time”. :)