Lisa Benson for June 19, 2024

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    suv2000  11 days ago

    Clean the swamp in Washington VOTE TRUMP PRESIDENT 2024

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    XF8U-3  11 days ago

    Bidenomics seems to be working quite well.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 11 days ago


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    aristoclesplato9  10 days ago

    Trump verdicts are meaningless. We all know they will be overturned on appeal and they are just a political stunt.

    Bidenomics on the other hand is as real as it gets. And hurts most Americans every day. Now the deficit is up another 400 billion to 1.9+ trillion this year. And for years to come. Forget all that blather about Biden cutting the deficit.

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  5. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  10 days ago

    Once the low-information voters find out that not only is the economy prospering with record low unemployment, economic growth, and disinflation, then the corporate propaganda loses its effect. After two score of Reaganomics, the middle and lower classes are receiving more of that economic growth.

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    tpcox928  10 days ago

    Vote Trump, turn the “swamp” into a Black Hole of grifting. Note: Post-pandemic inflation occurred globally, as predicted by economists in January 2021. Biden did not cause inflation, but his administration’s programs helped the US recover better than any other country from the failing economy he was left with by Trump.

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  7. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 10 days ago

    No seismic shift, just a steady erosion in those saying they’d have voted Felon45 before his 34 convictions. Mostly among independents and Repubs on the fence. Those numbers are expected to decrease further if he’s sentenced to jail time on July 11 and he gives an RNC presidential nomination acceptance speech from behind bars (if allowed) or house arrest at Mar-A-Lardo.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 10 days ago

    But the economy is not doing poorly. It’s charging forward. If you aren’t making enough money in your job, move. Find another job that will pay more. Thousands of employers will pay great wages – the employers are literally fighting each other to hire.

    If anything, it is a failure of President Biden and his team to counter the Faux narrative. Remember, a year ago, everyone, and I mean everyone in the right-wing propaganda sphere, was saying we were going to be in a recession. Not only are we NOT in a recession, but the GDP and stock market are setting records.

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    ctb11365  10 days ago

    BIDENomics are actually pretty good. Was taking a fishing trip with a trumpista buddy a few days ago. “Wow, I haven’t seen this much construction on the highways in years! It is long overdue.” I reminded him that it was all due to BUILD BACK BETTER. His response: “hrumph” …. Facts don’t seem to matter to the lying loser’s fanboys.

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    davidthoms1  10 days ago

    Trump swears several times that a dead person voted for him in 2016. Joan Rivers!

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    sinusjoe  10 days ago

    Bidenomics…I’m waiting for a free market capitalist to tell me how the President SHOULD control employment rates and consumer prices.

    And I’m also waiting for anyone to tell me which other counties in the world are doing so much better economically than the US since Biden’s elections.

    Any answers from fans of Lisa?

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    Ontman  10 days ago

    Trolls come and trolls go but no matter what, Lisa will have her fans.

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    Hollymartins2  10 days ago

    President Biden has the youngest administration in US history. A stable, diverse team of professionals that admire him and have passed major legislation addressing inflation, jobs, infrastructure and US interests abroad. The US recovery from COVID is the envy of the world and the stock market is hitting record highs. President Biden has never made the presidency into a cult of personality and understands how to get things done.

    The Reality Show Con Artist had the worst turnover in recent history. The people he HIRED call him stupid, corrupt, unfit, a coward, a laughing fool to world leaders and a security threat. Either they are right or he is a fraud and bad executive for hiring them. He tried to gaslight his way out of the first real crisis he faced and was the only president to lose jobs since Hoover. He has no capacity or interest in the responsibility or accountability of running a government.

    I’m glad President Biden has made the choice so easy because I could never support a convicted rapist and felon. But then again what kind of trash does?

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    ChristopherBurns  10 days ago

    Um… how exactly is “Bidenomics” a disaster?

    We are producing more oil than ever.

    The Stock Market is crushing it.

    Unemployment is low and wages are up.

    Inflation is down.

    The US economy is performing better than every other country in the world.

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    Retrac Premium Member 10 days ago

    Those butt bumps they both are feeling are from us citizens trying to kick them off the ballot.

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    Jimathai Premium Member 10 days ago

    felon, rapist, conman, fascist, liar, racist, troll, narcissist

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    ncorgbl  10 days ago

    Next week. The first ‘tell’ of the election will come at the debate.

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    Another Take  10 days ago

    Drain the swamp so Trump can more easily get down in the mud and do what he does best – sling it and waller in it. SOOOO-EEEEEEE!

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    piper_gilbert  10 days ago

    Is Lisa trying to draw an equivalency between Biden’s economy, (which is trending positive) and Trump’s 34 felony convictions, fraud convictions, and judgement for committing sexual battery? That’s sick even for Lisa?

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    librarylady59  10 days ago

    Vote Blue!!

    Project 2025:

    The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., led an effort to create the more than 900-page “Mandate for Leadership,” published in April 2023, reimagining the executive branch and presented a plan to overhaul several federal government agencies, including the FBI, for the country’s next conservative president to follow.

    The mandate attacks several policies that former President Obama and President Joe Biden instituted, including student loan forgiveness and Obamacare. It simultaneously calls for expanded executive power [remember trump has said he would be dictator for a day which will turn in to a ‘presidency’ for life. And retribution and revenge} for the commander-in-chief while criticizing what Project 2025 members perceive as overreaches by the Biden administration. USA Today

    And so many more ways to destroy our democratic republic.

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    Addled Brain  10 days ago

    The thing is .. “Bidenomics” is a plus for the President. President Biden and the Federal Reserve have done a remarkable job bringing down inflation while, at the same time, avoiding the recession everyone predicted. Kudos to the Federal Reserve and President Biden.

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  22. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  10 days ago

    One October Surprise coming up…

    DNC: “We want to replace Kamala Harris on the VP ticket with Hillary Clinton!"

    Kamala: “Over my dead body!”

    Hillary: “No problem!”

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    shannon1352  10 days ago

    Vote for Trump so he can openly send military aid to Russia to fight those evil nazis in Ukraine.

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    charliekane  10 days ago

    Great economy, sane and effective governance v. an addled felonious disgrace. Tough call._

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    Nantucket Premium Member 10 days ago

    Lisa should have continued college.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 10 days ago

    Convicted felon Trump

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 days ago

    Unemployment near record lows. Stock market at record highs & strong wage growth for low earners.

    Seems like “go woke” actually means “build a successful country that includes everyone”

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    Rich Douglas  10 days ago

    Wow, talk about a false equivalency! The Biden economy has been an amazing success, a tremendous comeback from Trump’s mangling of the pandemic response.

    I realize that many people are not looking at the realities, going simply on emotion. But this kind of nonsense doesn’t help. And equating that with Trump’s crimes? Seriously?

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    think it through  10 days ago

    Bidenomics, is just the president fixing the economy that trump the criminal trump destroyed during his first and only term. Give trump another term and see just how bad he could have ruined the entire country as well as the economy. Republicans say anything that happens during a president’s term is his fault unless it was a republican president at that time and then it was the democrat’s fault for allowing the republican president to the horrible thing. Republicans, since Nixon, have brainwashed the uneducated and hateful voters until they became a real cult of the ignorant.

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  30. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  10 days ago

    Fox News Poll: Three-point shift in Biden-Trump matchup since May

    32% give the economy positive marks, a record-high during Biden’s presidency

    Biden 50% Trump 48%

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