I learned recently I have a high blood sugar count, so trying to be more careful about what I eat. Something I said to my wife recently tells me I have a ways to go.
I told her, “They can pry my Nutter Butters® from my cold dead diabetic hands.” Hey, you have to draw the line somewhere.
SHAKEDOWNCITY 6 months ago
His mother is a throwback to the “Crone” Age.
Ratkin Premium Member 6 months ago
Why are all the bones curved?
SHIVA 6 months ago
Food for thought; how many of our skeletal remains will end up in some museum, somewhere!!!
Jeff0811 6 months ago
I learned recently I have a high blood sugar count, so trying to be more careful about what I eat. Something I said to my wife recently tells me I have a ways to go.
I told her, “They can pry my Nutter Butters® from my cold dead diabetic hands.” Hey, you have to draw the line somewhere.
Jennifer Falk 6 months ago
he will be the weak link….he he he
Frank Burns Eats Worms 6 months ago
“ You are the weakest missing link. Goodbye.”
hooglah 6 months ago
Just think……deeply…….In a million years or so, your bones may be on display in some building.
cuzinron47 6 months ago
At that point I doubt that he will care.