Mike Beckom for June 24, 2024

  1. Missing large
    grwr  7 days ago

    This drug slander about Biden drives me crazy. There are so many witnesses that attest to Trump being addicted to Adderall, and have said so for YEARS, well before he was a presidential nominee, and yet they keep throwing this baseless accusation about Biden around because sometimes when he gives speeches, he’s more lucid than they’d like him to be, so he must be on drugs. It’s ridiculous.

    Biden IS old. Sometimes he moves like an old person, sometimes he talks like an old person, and sometimes his memory is like that of an old person. That doesn’t mean he’s demented.

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  2. Sunimage
    Sun  7 days ago

    Joe Biden is a failure as president, and Joe Biden will be a failure to debate.

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  3. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  7 days ago

    Maybe another two weeks at Camp David would be enough to get Old Slo Joe ready. Meantime, Trump is “getting ready” by having rallies and meeting with people in Blue states that he doesn’t even hope to win. What a concept!

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    piper_gilbert  7 days ago

    I wonder what today’s Republicans would have said about Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Pretty sure they would have trashed him too.

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    dotbup  7 days ago

    More of the wingnut disinformation apparatus and their lazy-yet-brazen (brazy? blazen?) attempts to photoshop Joe Biden into a senility crisis, considering how difficult it must be to find footage of their own candidate where he isn’t waving at imaginary crowds, blathering about sharks, unsuccessfully attempting to read at a third grade level off a large print teleprompter, or raping somebody.

    And, why not? This is an audience that talked itself into consuming medication designed to deworm livestock, what’s left of ‘em anyway. They’ll swallow whatever bs you shovel and ask for seconds. Go hog wild.

    But if we’re gonna turn this thing into some sort of mental acuity death match, my money’s on the guy who understands that a cognitive test isn’t something you “ace.” Compared to a moron who can no longer navigate the already preposterous act of BRAGGING ABOUT PASSING A COGNITIVE TEST without demonstrating cognitive decline.

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    DC Swamp  7 days ago

    Who’s gonna show? Jacked up Joe or sleepy Joe? It will be waaaay past his bedtime.

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  7. Pine marten3
    martens  7 days ago

    Republicans discover a secret elixir that cures dementia with one dose.

    There is a shot that cures incoherence? How can I get some?

    By Dana Milbank , Columnist, May 21, 2024 at 5:30 a.m. EDT

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    Dangerguy  7 days ago

    Folks, you can’t drug a person with dementia out of it, even temporarily. Often people with dementia have periods of confusion and other periods of lucidity, but these are not predictable or controllable.

    It’s easy with AI and camera tricks to make anyone look like they’re in the throes of dementia. If you stop action on a video of anyone the chances of a goofy look are about 80%. And if you crop out the person he’s talking to or gesturing to you can make him look like he has dementia. But nobody with active dementia could have performed the way Biden did at the State of the Union, speaking clearly and on point, and glad-handing his way through the chamber.

    Instead of making their opponent look incompetent even as their own guy blathers on about electric boats and sharks, a better strategy would be to explain why their policies are better than his. It would also be a good idea to quit making up outrageous proposals (forcing migrants to fight comes to mind) and actually explain things, as Biden actually does..

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    rmike7842  7 days ago

    Donald Trump will do great in the debate. He’ll make lucid points. He’ll maintain composure. He won’t need drugs to stay awake or have to have the questions provided beforehand. And he’ll stand up all by himself for ninety minutes.See how easy that is. It didn’t take the least amount of intelligence, thought or effort. Anyone who raises this issue with either side is basically declaring that reality doesn’t matter in the least and that only bitter, desperate partisanship makes you produce such crap.

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  10. Wtp
    superposition  7 days ago

    … Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, is a different story. Those affected lose the ability to store new memories. They can still access old memories in their memory bank and may recount events that occurred decades ago. But they can’t tell you what they had for breakfast because that never entered the memory bank. (I reassure my patients with age-associated memory impairment by asking whether they remember their breakfast. They do.)

    Alzheimer’s is cognitively crippling. Losing the ability to form new memories freezes one in time. Those affected can’t make new friends or address new situations without fresh memories. Additionally, the disease progressively impairs other domains, including behavior and ultimately physical skills.

    Fortunately, President Biden shows no signs of Alzheimer’s disease. At news conferences, he references new events and obviously creates new memories efficiently. He speaks slowly and pauses to find words like others with benign age-associated memory impairment. These issues are exacerbated by a chronic speech impediment. Biden has struggled with stuttering since childhood, and remnants of the condition have long been apparent in his speech.

    Unfortunately, word hesitations coupled with the mild stutter can’t help but affect his public speaking. Biden’s political opponents and the uninformed exploit it, along with stereotypes about older people, to create a false narrative about intellectual impairment.

    …" — latimes .com /opinion /story /2024-03-07 /joe-biden-age-memory-alzheimers-cognition

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  11. 5cf96a5f 504e 4c6b 86a5 c29d9610342b
    Al Fresco  7 days ago

    Those of us who have a loved one or known an elderly person who has dementia know the signs of the onset of dementia. Pres. Biden demonstrates those signs. I am not.a doctor but the president has access to a world of doctors at Walter Reed or elsewhere. The White House claims he does not need a cognitive test. One can assume if he has had one that it would be political suicide to reveal negative results. KJP and the Dems have claimed that what we see, or want to see, is deep fake. That we should not believe what we see with our own eyes. The health of our president is a major concern. Eisenhower’s heart, Reagan’s gunshot wound, Trump’s COVID infection. I’ve made no secret that I don’t like Mr. Biden for his character, his personal values, and his policies. Dementia is no joke, Both candidates have been the butt of many cruel jokes. The health of the presentment to is too serious to make fun of it.

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    The Nodding Head  7 days ago

    As long as we’re doing the future, my predictions: Biden will surprise you, and you will be loath to admit it. Trump will fulfill all your worst expectations, but you won’t admit that either.

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  13. Picture
    Ontman  7 days ago

    Nice of Beckom to provide a self-portrait today.

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    think it through  7 days ago

    This is the best drawing of trump Mike has done yet.

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    ncorgbl  7 days ago

    Shades of Sarah Palin.

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    davidthoms1  7 days ago

    Beckom’s drawing of Trump is not accurate. Trump doesn’t have wings!

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  17. Xf8u 3
    XF8U-3  7 days ago

    More trash from Beckom.

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  18. Carthago delenda est
    Carthago delenda est  7 days ago

    Project much?

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  19. Wtp
    superposition  7 days ago

    Without a fairness doctrine that accurately/honestly explains all sides, — can there ever be a trusted news source that EVERYONE can believe?

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  20. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 days ago

    Right wing pig forgets how Dr Feelgood Ronny Johnson gave drugs to anyone in Trump’s White House. Trump’s current Tasmanian devil on cocaine act is not playing well with the public.

    Every Trump accusation is a confession so he can shift the blame.

    No one with any real intelligence backs a or believes in Big Lie Trump the felonious insurrectionist.

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  21. Marx lennon
    charliekane  7 days ago

    Like Billy Maher, head in the blue liquid jar.

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    IndyW  7 days ago

    I remember that it was going around, that we would never have a black president until pigs could fly. Well, I guess they can.

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    knutdl  7 days ago


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  24. Pat new 150
    Patjade  7 days ago

    Mike (that recession is just around the corner, I swear!) Beckom runs with the current RWNJ conspiracy theory because he, like everyone else on the RW Lunatic fringe is scared their Golden Idle (sic) will melt down and show the world what a gibbering idiot people who have watched him for years already know.

    Better to poison the well with lies than to admit the guy you’re backing is convicted felon and an idiot in the throes of syphilis-fueled dementia..

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 days ago

    Beckom’s self portrait.

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  26. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  7 days ago

    Donald Trump doesn’t suffer from dementia…he enjoys every minute of it.

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  27. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  7 days ago

    This should be fun to watch. I wonder what kind of drugs he will be using and if they will be enough to keep Mr. Dementia coherent.

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    sincavage05  6 days ago

    I thought trump was already the flying pig! Trump telling the truth on anything would be the biggest fairytale. Read his rap sheet.

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  29. Dragonfly
    SteveO202  5 days ago

    I just hope Joe makes a crack about being “jacked up like a mofo”, or something.

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    Pluggergirl  4 days ago

    so you must like open borders

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