Clay Jones for June 29, 2024

  1. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  4 days ago

    I missed the whole debate because I ended up working almost 13 hours yesterday, but the segments I saw on the news and on PBS was very hard to watch!

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 days ago

    The first impression many people got was deceptively misleading … in the opening moments of the debate, Joe Biden shuffled in and appeared to many to be as old as the worst of the stereotypes had portrayed him and, yes, initial panic set in among many of us Biden supporters. We were too focused on Biden’s stumble out of the gate and not seeing what the low-information, undecideds were seeing.

    Then Donald Trump got the first question, a simple one about the effect of how his tariff proposal would raise consumer prices, and in addition to beginning the start of his torrent of constant false statements, also demonstrated that he doesn’t have the slightest idea of how tariffs actually work. Trump spoke forcefully and with the illusion of confidence, but what came out of his mouth was so obviously false, so obviously ignorant of policy and so full of nastiness that it turned undecided voters off.

    And the longer the debate wore on, the more Donald Trump responded to questions of policy by simply ignoring the question and talking about whatever else he wanted to talk about. Question about childcare? Don’t say a single word about childcare, but pivot to China and tell some more lies and demonstrate some more ignorance.

    After that, Trump continued to lie in a constant stream of obviously misrepresent facts that even the low-information undecided voters could tell were fake as they revealed in focus debates after the debate (seriously, “I did not have sex with that porn star” — shades of Bill Clinton denying his brief encounter with Monica Lewinsky), demonstrate policy ignorance, and put on a display of nastiness beyond what he normally demonstrates.

    As the debate wore on, Trump became increasingly unhinged and — talk about stamina and staying upright for ninety minutes — Biden got warmed up, his voice grew stronger, his attacks grew sharper and he showed more of the real Joe Biden.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member 4 days ago

    Gavin Newsom isn’t the answer.

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    Guy from southern Indiana  4 days ago

    340,000,000 Americans, and the best two candidates are a senile old man and senile narcissistic sociopathic adulterous convicted felon?!? Sad.

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  5. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  4 days ago

    Sure…Gavin Newsom et alii will be available in 2028….

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    DC Swamp  4 days ago

    Hah! Even one of the biggest Biden bootlickers, Clay Jones, finally acknowledges the truth! Sorry, Gavin is not eligible, being a cis, straight, white male, he checks off zero of the diversity boxes that are so important to leftists.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 4 days ago

    Off topic. Why did they take Prickly City and La Cucaracha off the political page? Any others taken off? Why isn’t Tom the Dancing Bug on the political page.


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    Breeana  4 days ago


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    A# 466  4 days ago

    Allow me a musical analogy.

    Biden presents as a piece like Pachelbel’s Canon. What the democrats need — and have needed for years — is a candidate who presents as a different piece — like the Toccata from Widor’s# 5th organ symphony.

    Give each piece a listen if you want to see — hear — what I’m getting at here.

    (#) The man’s name is pronounced, “VEE-door.” As age is a consideration here, let it be understood that Widor holds the record for the longest tenure, 63 years, as organist as Saint-Sulpice in Paris until he stepped down at age 89.
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    Kilrwat Premium Member 4 days ago

    We are electing a team and an agenda, not a single combat warrior. Would I prefer having someone younger at the helm? 100% But the Biden agenda and the team that he has installed was so so far superior to anything that trump came close to assembling during his 4 miserable years, that Biden could be in a Stephen Hawking wheelchair with a speech computer and I would still vote for him if he were the opposing candidate to trump.

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    Psilocybin Fernensis  4 days ago

    Fern 5 days ago

    Are you gonna endorse Newscum when Biden loses this debate on Thursday?

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    smithsilverstrea  4 days ago

    I won’t vote for Gavin.

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    akachman Premium Member 4 days ago

    Calm the f*** down, please. No time of panic. Traitor trump must be defeated to save America and the world.

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    luckyduck  4 days ago

    I’m the most anti-trump person there is, but I think poor Biden lost the election last night. His rally was too late and even though the Cheeto Beneto told one lie after another, his base ate it up and he probably picked up enough fence sitters to cinch the election. Sad day for America.

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  15. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member 4 days ago

    I am not sure what Clay’s take on this really is…. is he jumping on the dump Biden bandwagon or is he poking fun at the dump Biden bandwagon?

    For me, the media hype about dumping Biden is ageism and is horribly wrong. Biden did not have a great debate, BUT, his record and his attitude and his having easily won all primaries speaks of his being the right choice. To switch now is in my opinion ludicrous and is really a form of age discrimination. To switch also, IMO assures Trump of a win.

    I think Biden can and will show he is the right candidate to lead. I find both NYT and CNN to be very abhorrent in their current reporting and behavior about the debate. The whole of the debate was not a “disaster” and in the second half Biden showed a lot of strength.

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    Ontman  4 days ago

    Panic sets in. Maybe shift focus to the House and Senate.

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    ShadowMaster  4 days ago

    Clay, you are playing into Fern’s wet dream…

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    IndyW  4 days ago

    No Newsom PLEASE! Look what he’s done for California.

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    oakie817  4 days ago

    the heck with Newsom…Michelle 2024!!!!!!!!

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  20. Rat
    clayjonz creator 4 days ago

    It’s not as much about who Biden is replaced with as much as it’s about Biden being replaced. Newsome is just the most obvious name.

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    Chazz  4 days ago

    I’m still on the Joe Train.

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  22. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago

    So now we all know that the MSM was feeding everyone a choreographed and false depiction of a dying man as though he were completely competent. Republicans have known it all along; Democrats only lost their ability to deny it on Thursday night. They weren’t just lied to, they were shielded from the truth. This is why the Democrats have collectively typecast anyone who questions why the Hur report wasn’t released as a conspiracy junkie.

    “He’s fine, especially behind closed doors!” But only if they were the doors of a tomb. Those doors were removed on Thursday night, and it didn’t just expose Old Slo Joe. It exposed the entire MSM that contributed to a world-class deception. This is the real crime we all witnessed on Thursday night.

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  23. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 4 days ago

    OK, Biden was awful. He is old and to be honest about it debating was never his strong point. And, it is difficult to produce proof of the fact that practically every thing Trump said was a lie. So, why am I still voting for Biden? Because his record includes:

    Inherited worst unemployment and crashed economy in a hundred years and turned it around into unprecedented economic growth and success.

    Dragged us out of covid epidemic that would have been much lees of a problem if Trump hadn’t dismantled the agency Obama set up to handle epidemics.Believes in global warning and efforts to reduce the damage it will cause

    Most jobs created of any first term president

    Lower drug pricesLowest prolonged unemployment in 60 years

    Bringing inflation down

    Wage growth exceeds inflation

    Capping credit card late fees and limiting junk fees in other businesses

    Student loan forgiveness

    Record stock market highs

    Reduced annual budget deficit every year

    Passed first bi-partisan gun legislation in thirty years

    Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

    Strengthened relations with NATO and other allies

    Delivered BIPARTISAN BORDER BILL before Trump ordered it blocked and obstructed so he could keep his top wedge issue unsolved and run on a problem that exists solely because of Trump.

    Achieved all of this despite unprecedented Republican obstruction and despite having literally the narrowest possible Senate majority (50-50 in his first two years) and a vice president who set the all-time record for most tie-breaking votes in all of U.S. history.


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    ncorgbl  4 days ago

    No need. One bad day. tRump has had how many bad years?

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    Drag0nr1der  4 days ago

    The president isn’t giving any body warm fuzzies, but to change ships this late in the game will play into the opposition’s hands. Remember, Reagan was into his dementia while in office, and his party stood behind him. Dem’s need to do the same for Joe for better and support Ms. Harris when her time comes.

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  26. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 days ago


    In other words, your hatred for Trump outweighs you love for your country. This allows you to ignore the fact that, right now, You have no idea who is actually running the country. Yes, we all understand that.

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    Slowly, he turned...  4 days ago

    Operator? Information? Get me Jesus on the line!

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