Chris Britt for July 02, 2024

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    brwydave Premium Member 5 days ago

    Unfortunately the cartoonist is right.

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    aristoclesplato9  5 days ago

    Biden lied. A lot of what Trump said was hype and opinion. Like saying he had the best economy. Ever. Was that a lie? Who can say. How would one even define the quality of an economy? What statistics count and which ones should be ignored? Must it be the best for everyone ever? That would never happen.

    Some people do well in an economy, while others do not. If Trump’s economy was great for some people, better for them than any other time, was it not the best economy ever for them?

    Has to be. And to them Trump did not lie.

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  5 days ago

    We ALL change as we age. And for a great deal of our lives, some of us change for the better before the inevitable decline. Biden displayed the fact that he had a cold… and likely drugs on board to make it possible to even show up. I invite you to think about how the nay-sayers would have treated his absence.

    PS: The ones who complain that he cannot speak without notes should try it sometime. I’ve given lectures before intelligent graduate and undergraduate students. I’d have been a FOOL to do that without notes. It’s true that my audiences didn’t contain active hecklers and I wasn’t engaged in a debate, so my experience is somewhat different. On the other hand I’d give odds that the complainers have never done anything even slightly similar. (I always enjoyed the Q&A after the lectures more than the lecture itself, but even there, the louder part of the audience was positive and engaged.)

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    wildthing  5 days ago

    And then our Extreme Court says, “Now which one do you want as KING! Don’t worry, we’ll decide”

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 days ago

    Criminal Trump is a sewer of lies, right wingers internalize them.

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    Zuhl's Wife  5 days ago

    …and the MAGAs actually believes his vomitus, and slop it down like it was hate crack.

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    A# 466  5 days ago

    No, Trump WILL change. He will get more so.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 5 days ago

    The Heritage Foundation and the MAGA Republicans are doing everything in their power to divide the citizens of the U.S.A. The billionaires are fighting tooth and nail to keep their obscenely inflated profits and to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. They been steadily working toward an oligarchy where they are the favored few and all other citizens are the serfs who serve them.

    They are also the ones pushing the “whispers” that President Biden is not up to the job over one bad debate.

    The next day, President Biden showed up in North Carolina looking like his usual self, but one appearance that was subpar and the media pounced. I think we should cut him a little slack for ONE bad night.

    President Biden has done more actual presidential work, including travelling from continent to continent, successfully managing both foreign and domestic policies better than most of his predecessors. President Biden has also shown more stamina than most younger people (including those who are calling for him to step down) year after year, month after month, week after week, day after day. No one can realistically say that he has been ineffective as a president.

    Democrats need some more “Ride or Die” loyalty, instead of “If it’s not perfect, then I don’t want it.” Stop being a fair-weather friend!

    Don’t allow the malignant forces at work to throw away Joe Biden, the best president we have had in my lifetime.

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    djtenltd  4 days ago

    And they still want this lying lunatic as #47! SMDH!!

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    T Smith  4 days ago

    Aristotroll loves him a rapist.

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    T Smith  4 days ago

    Aristotroll only says those insanely false and evil things for the attention — please do not engage with him.

    “Like” another comment into the top spot.

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    IndyW  4 days ago

    Biden said no service men has been killed under his command. 13 troops were killed in Kabul Afghanistan.

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