I wouldn’t waste that money on a team or a spaceship. If that were my money, I’d think of some long time strategies to make sure I never go broke: Start a nest egg, look for some good investment opportunities, launch my own business, save for a rainy day, etc.
Or buy one ticket and dream of what you might do if you MIGHT win, and wait about a month before checking the ticket as its highest value is during the time between purchase and finding out the results.
amxchester 5 months ago
More realistic!
Ellis97 5 months ago
I wouldn’t waste that money on a team or a spaceship. If that were my money, I’d think of some long time strategies to make sure I never go broke: Start a nest egg, look for some good investment opportunities, launch my own business, save for a rainy day, etc.
MC4802 Premium Member 5 months ago
Or buy one ticket and dream of what you might do if you MIGHT win, and wait about a month before checking the ticket as its highest value is during the time between purchase and finding out the results.
JoeMartinFan Premium Member 5 months ago
Better yet, buy him a space cadet helmet! Although I’m pretty sure only old guys like me say “space cadet” anymore…
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 5 months ago
Official space helmet ON, Captain Video!!