Back in 2012 two bored university students created a wikipedia entry about the Scottish inventor of the electric toaster: Alan MacMasters. They used the name of one of the students and the photo of the other student (his girlfriend did his hair in a 19th century style, then they used photoshop to age the photo and create a tear just below the neck, because they didn’t have any 19th century style clothing). Soon magazines picked up on it and wrote articles about the “forgotten scottish inventor” and the two students used these articles as sources for their hoax wikipedia entry. Alan MacMasters was honored with a dish on a British cooking show and nearly even made it onto the new British 50 GBP note (he was one of the suggestions the British bank had made for the new note). This hoax was only discovered in 2022, when a 15-year-old Wikipedia user flagged the photo as fake and photoshopped and the Wikipedia mods actually checked the photo’s meta data. The hoax now even has it’s own Wikipedia entry.
And now here’s where AI comes into play: When you ask AI (google gemini or any other AI) “Who’s the inventor of the toaster?” the answer is still “The first electric toaster was developed by Alan MacMasters in Scotland in 1893 [Crompton toaster].”
I like how they are using a letter “I” in the comic with a line on top and bottom for saying “I’M TRAINING AI …” and “I KNEW THAT.” — especially for “AI” so you know it means “Artificial Intelligence” instead of “Albert”.
I wish I knew how to do that with the GoComics comments. Is there a way to do it? (How can I do an “I” using a different font?)
hariseldon59 6 months ago
Now tell me what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
alien011 6 months ago
Back in 2012 two bored university students created a wikipedia entry about the Scottish inventor of the electric toaster: Alan MacMasters. They used the name of one of the students and the photo of the other student (his girlfriend did his hair in a 19th century style, then they used photoshop to age the photo and create a tear just below the neck, because they didn’t have any 19th century style clothing). Soon magazines picked up on it and wrote articles about the “forgotten scottish inventor” and the two students used these articles as sources for their hoax wikipedia entry. Alan MacMasters was honored with a dish on a British cooking show and nearly even made it onto the new British 50 GBP note (he was one of the suggestions the British bank had made for the new note). This hoax was only discovered in 2022, when a 15-year-old Wikipedia user flagged the photo as fake and photoshopped and the Wikipedia mods actually checked the photo’s meta data. The hoax now even has it’s own Wikipedia entry.
And now here’s where AI comes into play: When you ask AI (google gemini or any other AI) “Who’s the inventor of the toaster?” the answer is still “The first electric toaster was developed by Alan MacMasters in Scotland in 1893 [Crompton toaster].”
Doug K 6 months ago
I like how they are using a letter “I” in the comic with a line on top and bottom for saying “I’M TRAINING AI …” and “I KNEW THAT.” — especially for “AI” so you know it means “Artificial Intelligence” instead of “Albert”.
I wish I knew how to do that with the GoComics comments. Is there a way to do it? (How can I do an “I” using a different font?)
Ellis97 6 months ago
Now tell me what’s the fastest speed that a tortoise can go.
FireAnt_Hater 6 months ago
It’s like 4 butterflies with firm grips and a few others that might be helping. Funny.
Strawberry King 6 months ago
A beautiful sight.
SrTechWriter 6 months ago
I LIKE Hammy. He’s the sort of person I’d like to be …
eddi-TBH 6 months ago
There’s reality. Hammyality and AI.