Prickly City by Scott Stantis for August 07, 2024

  1. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member 5 months ago

    I’m excited by the campaigning news, Democrats are dumbfounding the donald and vance!

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Not today, Stantis.

    Much more enjoyable to hear the weirdness being called out, instead of just hearing the weirdness.


    We got Tim Walz instead of The Mephisto Waltz.

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  3. Download
    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    Walzing Kamala, Walzing Kamala,

    We’ll go a-Walzing Kamala, Won’t You?

    If You Want a President that won’t throw you under a crosstown bus,

    You’ll Come A-Walzing Kamala With Us . . ."

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  4. Chainlightning
    electricshadow Premium Member 5 months ago

    redefines keeping your head on a swivel

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    42Irish Premium Member 5 months ago

    Kamala’s new campaign slogan: “I’m not as leftist as my running mate!”

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    ctolson  5 months ago

    Too much spin on everything.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    I was hoping she’d pick Kelly of Arizona.

    Then Trump could say he doesn’t like astronauts who come back alive; he likes the ones who die in space

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  8. White cat 5
    " Kat" Premium Member 5 months ago

    “Friends, Americans and patriots!” I come before you because I could not get behind you. It is not keeping up with the news that is painful and demanding, it is the news itself.

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    ncorgbl  5 months ago

    Since 2016 tRump has given us a new scandal daily, the next worse than the last, including insurrection against the U.S. tRump’s inaugural speech was dark and negative, and fear peddling. We’ve been subject to tRump’s bigotry, racism and misogynism every day since. tRump’s failure to fulfill any of his campaign promises, his betrayal of our allies, our soldiers and the American people cannot honestly be denied. We got no wall, no “better deal” with Iran, no “repeal and replace” the ACA, and tax cuts for the wealthy that he only signed and the Heritage Foundation wrote along with their list of judges for him to appoint. tRump is a fraud who has fooled some of the people, but only the ones who are easily fooled and greedy thinking they can get something for themselves. And those who came before them were thrown under the bus.

    Biden, and now Harris give us a positive view of the U.S., opportunity for growth and prosperity for all, not just the top 2%. The message is upbeat, something we can cheer for, a message that will indeed “Make America Great Again” as our Liberal Founders intended, Reagan said and tRump stole and failed doing. This election should be no contest, a landslide for Harris and several prison terms for tRump.

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    LC64  5 months ago

    Vance only opens his mouth to change feet. He’s working very hard to alienate assorted voting groups such as women (childless cat ladies) whose only purpose in life (he thinks) is to produce children; childless couples (who he called psychotic) and who’s next?

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  11. Download
    Walter Kocker  5 months ago

    The Trump-Vance ticket is PROOF that two wrongs don’t make a right!

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