My family, minus me, went to see the musical ‘Frozen’ last week. I said I’d rather slam my head in a car door than go with. I went roller skating instead.
What is worse is when you have heard it so many times that you can do all the dialog as well as sing all the songs. If the sound ever goes out on Robin Hood I have it covered.
Willywise52 Premium Member 5 days ago
Gah,my granddaughter…
cracker65 5 days ago
Hahahaha. I can still watch both of those and enjoy them. It was wild when the first one came out.
bikamper 5 days ago
My family, minus me, went to see the musical ‘Frozen’ last week. I said I’d rather slam my head in a car door than go with. I went roller skating instead.
TokenFudd 5 days ago
Bonus Panel:
amaneaux 5 days ago
I still love the film (and the song). I’m so happy I wasn’t around kids when it came out, so they never ruined it for me.
crazeekatlady 5 days ago
My nieces and Bambi.
Hello Sweetie 4 days ago
What is worse is when you have heard it so many times that you can do all the dialog as well as sing all the songs. If the sound ever goes out on Robin Hood I have it covered.
KrisJustKris Premium Member 4 days ago
I have yet to see either Frozen 1 or 2.