My practical side (from my Mom) would reject the coffee shop altogether and make her own coffee. My madly wild side would go for it in a heart beat. Danm the money I don’t have to spend on it. These days my Mom is winning.
Yesterday a good friend was helping me out with errands, and made a stop for herself to get a coffee drink. I thought to myself, this lady doesn’t have two nickels to rub together, and she’s spending money on a coffee drink that I’d offered to her free just a few hours before. Yup, Mom is definitely winning..
For every extra item they add to the menu in a coffee bar, that’s an extra 30 seconds wait for you mulltiplied by the number of people ahead of you in line trying to make up their minds.
seanfear 5 months ago
when this starts in my head, I turn the kettle on, and make my own coffee shrug
blunebottle 5 months ago
Not a hard Arnold Palmer? I guess not, at a coffee shop.
Comicsandcookies 5 months ago
Tenuous Tightrope… band name, or a really difficult exercise?
azkfwecho Premium Member 5 months ago
The blended Arnold Palmer sounds great! Tell Young Amanda you’re doin’ your own thing!
Mike Baldwin creator 5 months ago
My inner Child would totally go along with that.
BJIllistrated Premium Member 5 months ago
My practical side (from my Mom) would reject the coffee shop altogether and make her own coffee. My madly wild side would go for it in a heart beat. Danm the money I don’t have to spend on it. These days my Mom is winning.
Yesterday a good friend was helping me out with errands, and made a stop for herself to get a coffee drink. I thought to myself, this lady doesn’t have two nickels to rub together, and she’s spending money on a coffee drink that I’d offered to her free just a few hours before. Yup, Mom is definitely winning..
Perkycat 5 months ago
Remember when you went to a coffee shop and your only choice for a caffeinated beverage was coffee???
willie_mctell 5 months ago
I remember when “coffee shop” meant a place like Denny’s.
Chris Sherlock 5 months ago
I like my coffee hot, black, and caffeinated. Nothing fancy.
MissyTiger 5 months ago
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Oops. Sorry, wrong door.
mistercatworks 5 months ago
For every extra item they add to the menu in a coffee bar, that’s an extra 30 seconds wait for you mulltiplied by the number of people ahead of you in line trying to make up their minds.
FunnyReader - 2022 Premium Member 5 months ago
Coffee at a shop is entertainment for me. Coffee at home is a routine.
goboboyd 5 months ago
Like getting a coffee at an ice cream stand.