Extremely legitimate excuse to me (and to the cat… mine is currently keeping me from bed at 420am. Which is stupid because she would only come curl up on my shoulder/chest/face if I went to bed….)
Dan, that isn’t an excuse unless Tooncy is on it’s last legs. Just put Toonce in it’s bed and lay the heating pad over (or under) it. Problem solved. Of couse I’d use that excuse if I wasn’t in the middle of a move myself. The guys came yesterday for most of the furniture which is a store that takes nice furniture for charity and sells it to dontate to the charity.
The cats were in the bathroom and NOT happy about it. When the guys left I let them out and they were SO confused about where everything went. One of them boxed me straight across the face later last night. I look like I’ve been in a serious accident. Scratches accross my nose and cheeks that bled for awhile.
seanfear 5 months ago
tsk – he can (the cat, i mean)
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 5 months ago
“Do you want me to just throw her out into the cold?”
Comicsandcookies 5 months ago
Extremely legitimate excuse to me (and to the cat… mine is currently keeping me from bed at 420am. Which is stupid because she would only come curl up on my shoulder/chest/face if I went to bed….)
Tigressy 5 months ago
You’ve taught him well.
BJIllistrated Premium Member 4 months ago
Dan, that isn’t an excuse unless Tooncy is on it’s last legs. Just put Toonce in it’s bed and lay the heating pad over (or under) it. Problem solved. Of couse I’d use that excuse if I wasn’t in the middle of a move myself. The guys came yesterday for most of the furniture which is a store that takes nice furniture for charity and sells it to dontate to the charity.
The cats were in the bathroom and NOT happy about it. When the guys left I let them out and they were SO confused about where everything went. One of them boxed me straight across the face later last night. I look like I’ve been in a serious accident. Scratches accross my nose and cheeks that bled for awhile.
itsacatsworld Premium Member 4 months ago
Toonces, most valued sweetness, do not you worry, a month’s delay will never happen. =^.^=
LJZ Premium Member 4 months ago
Twin cities, Amanda?… Lead and Deadwood?
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 4 months ago
“Just this once!” LOL, “Then it’s my turn”
willie_mctell 4 months ago
Humans, easy to train and eager to please.