Think about what? Wasn’t it HHM? Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill? Hombre, Mujer, Mujer? Shouldn’t Lola wear the ampersand and get in the middle? Why are they called m&m? Where are the ampersands?!?!?!? They’re all “w”! Why so many questions so early in the morning? Where’s my coffee? Where are my wife and family? Why if I die here? Who’ll be my role model? Now that my role model is gone, gone. Ducked back down the alley with some roly-poly bat-faced girl.
James Wolfenstein 3 months ago
Think about what? Wasn’t it HHM? Hamlin, Hamlin, and McGill? Hombre, Mujer, Mujer? Shouldn’t Lola wear the ampersand and get in the middle? Why are they called m&m? Where are the ampersands?!?!?!? They’re all “w”! Why so many questions so early in the morning? Where’s my coffee? Where are my wife and family? Why if I die here? Who’ll be my role model? Now that my role model is gone, gone. Ducked back down the alley with some roly-poly bat-faced girl.
Dirtfarmer 3 months ago
I got a bag of M&Ms once. It was really screwed up. Only about a quarter of them were Ms. The rest were a mixture of Ws, Es, and 3s.
e.groves 3 months ago
A few years ago, there were coffee flavored M&Ms. They were pretty good.
ladykat 3 months ago
Things that make you go “hmm”.
ncorgbl 3 months ago
An old lady offers the bus driver some peanuts…so the driver happily munches them. Every 5 minutes she gives him a handful more peanuts..
Driver: Why don’t you eat them yourself?
Old lady: I can’t chew. Look, I have no teeth.
Driver: Then why do you buy them?
Old lady: Oh, I just love to suck the chocolate off them!!!
Jeffin Premium Member 3 months ago
With friends like that, who needs M and Ms
comicalUser 3 months ago
Is the yellow one really named Sean? Seems like a funny name for an M&M.
Strawberry King 3 months ago
Where’s Yellow M&M’s red friend?