Wannabe by Luca Debus for September 18, 2024

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    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    A Spoonful Of Sugar Helps The Medicine Get Tested

    For a while, I have to travel with a dietary supplement that my doctor suggested, but the packaging is enormous, so I’ve moved some into a smaller container. I travel a lot, and at each airport, my bag gets pulled for the strange container of orange powder that I’m carrying. This is fine with me; I travel a lot, understand security procedures, and always leave myself enough time to get through security.

    One day, after travelling through several airports in just a few days, I see a friendly-looking TSA agent pull my bag and beat him to it.

    TSA Agent: “Is this your bag?”

    Me: “Yep, it’s mine; you can go ahead and open it.”

    TSA Agent: Slightly surprised smile

    I start following the script of questions I know are coming.

    Me: “There’s nothing sharp, dangerous, or breakable in there, so you can open it. You’re probably looking for a container of funny-looking powder. It’s a dietary supplement my doctor recommended, and you have permission to test it.”

    His surprised smile has grown as I’ve been talking, making me grin, too.

    Me: “I travel a lot, so I’m pretty good at this!”

    TSA Agent: “I noticed! I finished testing it; it’s all good. Have a good day!”

    Me: “You, too! Thanks!”

    This interaction made my day! When you’re calm, kind, and patient, you can get people in even high-stress jobs to laugh with you a bit. Be nice!

    (not MY story)

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  2. Large kimg0147
    Yakety Sax  3 months ago

    Just A Spoon Full Of Espresso Helps The Medicine Go Down

    Customer: “I want a hot latte iced.”

    Further explanation is obviously necessary!

    Customer: “I want it heated up then poured over ice! They do it for me all the time.”

    Me: “I have to warn you, that might taste weird.”

    She insists on her order so I steam the milk, add espresso, and then pour it over ice. She takes a sip.

    Customer: “Eww, it tastes like medicine!”

    (not MY story)

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  3. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 3 months ago

    I feel this is like next level homeopathy.

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  4. Mario500
    Mario500  3 months ago

    (senses suspicious timing (of departure) in this cartoon)

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    darcyandsimon  3 months ago

    You go, Margot!

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    the lost wizard  3 months ago

    Recharged. :)

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Sure, Margot can only be sick for one day. Then she has too much to do.

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