I have a neighbor (I live in an apartment) who put one of those in the Christmas cards she gave out 1 year. It was horrifying! I had other neighbors complaining to me so I confronted her. Let me just say, we are not friends.
When my brother had somebody come to the door long ago and ask if they could leave some literature to said “Sure, but as soon as I close this door I am going to crumple it up and throw it in the trash, so perhaps you instead want to give it to somebody that will actually look at it”
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator 4 months ago
That may be the funniest gag you’ve every written, Pat. Love it!
Imagine 4 months ago
Bible. Version: whatever. By DC comics. Or was that Marvel? Or maybe GoComics?
Doctor Toon 4 months ago
If t was done well, I would read it and keep it
If it was done really well, I’d want a copy for my grandkid
wongo 4 months ago
Yeah, Art Sequential. He used to work on my 69 Plymouth!
golfgranny47 4 months ago
I have a neighbor (I live in an apartment) who put one of those in the Christmas cards she gave out 1 year. It was horrifying! I had other neighbors complaining to me so I confronted her. Let me just say, we are not friends.
mistercatworks 4 months ago
It’s always nice to see the ethos of an entire people reduced to modern hieroglyphs.
Mike Baldwin creator 4 months ago
The old KISS principal. That and, Know Thine audience.
dv 4 months ago
When my brother had somebody come to the door long ago and ask if they could leave some literature to said “Sure, but as soon as I close this door I am going to crumple it up and throw it in the trash, so perhaps you instead want to give it to somebody that will actually look at it”
CoffeeBob Premium Member 4 months ago
I have “The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb”, does that count?
Chris Sherlock 4 months ago
Now they’re talking Norm’s language!