Hey, here is a crazy idea. We could lock them up in prisons, force them work 12 hours a day doing things like packing matches and making watch chains, feed them gruel, all until they are able to take care of themselves on the outside. We could call them poor houses. yeah, that’s the ticket.
olds_cool63 3 months ago
What a CRAZY country this is!
rossevrymn 3 months ago
Not after we make ’em work at my truffle pig farm, also, Bob, were you on suspension for that comment?:
Matthew Buckley Premium Member 3 months ago
It’s not about the money, it’s about being mean spirited.
Alpyne 3 months ago
The Dead Kennedys have a song that goes a step further…
Hammurabi.Wolfe 3 months ago
Hey, here is a crazy idea. We could lock them up in prisons, force them work 12 hours a day doing things like packing matches and making watch chains, feed them gruel, all until they are able to take care of themselves on the outside. We could call them poor houses. yeah, that’s the ticket.