Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North for November 04, 2024

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    scyphi26  2 months ago

    I actually have noticed this phenomenon myself—nobody can be “just friends” anymore in light of the growing LGBT movement, as now seeing people get chummy past a certain point is now more likely to be assumed they are gay (or lesbian) or leaning heavily in that direction rather than just close non-romantic friends, and it has friends sometimes holding back out of fear of the embarrassment and awkwardness of being put in such an assumption and having to explain otherwise when they didn’t ask or want to, especially those who do not actually identify as such for whatever reason.

    In fairness, most of the time that I’ve seen, it’s mostly done out of an attempt to be accepting and embracing of such sexual orientations, so it’s not usually done out of malice or anything like that, more just over-zealousness to be seen as pro-LGBT. But it does still show that people should probably be careful about assuming too much too quickly about anyone’s relations and their orientation, as it could cause more harm than good if its presumed wrong. Plus, it’ll save everybody the embarrassment of getting it wrong. :P

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