I HAVE wondered sometimes what Dromiceiomimus gets up to while off panel sometimes, because unlike T-Rex or Utahraptor, that doesn’t always get discussed much, but what few times it does makes it sound like she leads a pretty eventful life herself.
I might be willing to join her church (if human nudes are also acceptable), or at least attend to try it out!
January 10, 2015
June 13, 2017
October 16, 2017
scyphi26 2 months ago
I HAVE wondered sometimes what Dromiceiomimus gets up to while off panel sometimes, because unlike T-Rex or Utahraptor, that doesn’t always get discussed much, but what few times it does makes it sound like she leads a pretty eventful life herself.
FireAnt_Hater 2 months ago
I might be willing to join her church (if human nudes are also acceptable), or at least attend to try it out!