“Dystopian nightmare” is a good description of my experience in trying to get through the self-checkout lane at the supermarket yesterday. I hate those machines with a passion, and I would prefer to patronize some other supermarket that has more human cashiers instead, if I could find one.
One model of an automated store that I have seen is to have everything routed through an app on your phone. You shop as you normally would and put things in your bag. When the item is removed from the shelf or cooler, the app keeps track of it and automatically deducts the charge from your bank account. Fill your bag and walk out of the store.
C 3 months ago
Not exactly a match made in heaven
seanfear 3 months ago
the dude reads!!! ooooooh scary o_O
davidob 3 months ago
It’ll be even worse if he remembers what he’s read.
Nuliajuk 3 months ago
But if there are no more cashiers, why would they need an assistant manager? They could automate that as well.
ladykat 3 months ago
I like having the option of going to a cashier. It’s one of my few interactions with a human being.
seismic-2 Premium Member 3 months ago
“Dystopian nightmare” is a good description of my experience in trying to get through the self-checkout lane at the supermarket yesterday. I hate those machines with a passion, and I would prefer to patronize some other supermarket that has more human cashiers instead, if I could find one.
ZBicyclist Premium Member 3 months ago
The changing expression on the coffee mug is a nice touch.
SFpagan 3 months ago
The cup and desk sign really bailed out this strip today. The sign(s) should be considered a mantra :p
6turtle9 3 months ago
One model of an automated store that I have seen is to have everything routed through an app on your phone. You shop as you normally would and put things in your bag. When the item is removed from the shelf or cooler, the app keeps track of it and automatically deducts the charge from your bank account. Fill your bag and walk out of the store.