Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 04, 2005
Captain Victory: Beat it, kid. Scrappy Lad: Aw, c'mon, Cap. Let's hang out. I am your sidekick, after all. Captain Victory: You're not my side-- how did you get in here anyway? Aren't you underage? Lad: I have a fake I.D.! Victory: Let me see that..."Dr. John Reynolds, Age 41." They believed that? Lad: I told them it was my secret identity. Victory: Wait a minute - you've been going around telling people that you're really this guy? Lad: Yeah. So? Mr. Negato: Where's Captain Victory!!?! Man: Just take the pills and go....
John Glynn creator over 16 years ago
MJ J almost 5 years ago
I thought he was a genius