Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 23, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    Such interesting possibilities…

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  2. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    Yes, come on Hobbes. Use some imagination.

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  3. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    Yes…let’s just suppose that mom is getting on our nerves. Heh. heh. heh.

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  4. Shrek front
    attyush  almost 16 years ago

    Hmmm…my boss is giving me heartburn of late. This could work.

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  5. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    Funny, it looks just like a Luger.

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    mimers921  almost 16 years ago


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  7. Stewiebrian
    pouncingtiger  almost 16 years ago

    slight correction - “suppose mom’s [OR DAD’s] getting on our nerves”

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  8. Eww
    Ivy0730Lcsq  almost 16 years ago

    bedspread transmogrified as IGUANA? What mom will gonna be? lol

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  9. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  almost 16 years ago

    I remember similar thoughts when I was a kid. Too bad that transmogriphiers were still in the beta stage back then.

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    rawriamadinosaur  almost 16 years ago

    Do you think I could transmogrify some blank sheets of paper into the homework that I should have done?

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    alondra  almost 16 years ago

    I can think of a few people I’d like to point that at.

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    Ldywldkat  almost 16 years ago

    Where was the transmogrier when he was giving the report on Mercury?

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  13. Av 5363
    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    For rawriamadinosaur–excellent use, but it may still need a little refinement to get the homework all perfect.

    (btw, a version of this also exists in a sci-fi/fantasy novel where two 8th-grade foes are transported to another dimension to solve an issue there…and where they must work as allies/friends…spoiler: at the end, when they’re sent back to earth, they have made the decision to remain friends)

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  14. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 16 years ago

    what will happen if mom gets the transmogriphier and uses it on you ?

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  15. Cutiger
    rentier  almost 16 years ago

    No good idea when everybody can transmogrife somebody else who is getting on the nerves!

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  16. Picture 001
    rshive  almost 16 years ago

    There’s a default setting on all transmogrifiers that turns Moms into raging dinos.

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  17. Fester
    dvoyack  almost 16 years ago

    I could use one of them..

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  18. Nanny poo
    carmy  almost 16 years ago

    I think he should test it on Susie.

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    Toonster  almost 16 years ago

    Well, I wouldn’t like my bedspread to be an iguana when I’m sleeping!

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  20. Spleen
    TheSpleen  almost 16 years ago

    We can see the adventures ahead with this thing in Calvin’s hands. [The Spleen wonders if Calvin’s school would ever be the same.]

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  21. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  almost 16 years ago

    According to panel #3, Calvin is left-handed.

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  22. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 16 years ago

    No, not the momma, but that teacher, Hmmmmm?

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  23. Th
    marvee  almost 16 years ago

    Hobbes is that part of Calvin that is in touch with reality

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    Leonardeuler  almost 16 years ago

    The financial crisis soon coming to an end ???

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  25. Reallyjusta hd teddybear
    hawgdancer1  almost 16 years ago

    Please point it at A.I.G. !!!!!

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  26. Reddog
    unemandarine  almost 16 years ago

    cleokaya says: Yes…let’s just suppose that mom is getting on our nerves. Heh. heh. heh.

    So does anyone know where we can find a transmogrifier store?

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  27. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  almost 16 years ago

    Poor mom’s gonna become a pizza if she doesn’t behave. Dad will become popcorn, harhar.

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    grammahotsho  almost 16 years ago

    Any weapon in Calvin’hands is a terrifying thing!

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    tabbylynn  almost 16 years ago

    rawriamadinosaur says:

    Do you think I could transmogrify some blank sheets of paper into the homework that I should have done?

    i think we are in the same boat. i should have done my book logs while reading the stupid book but was to lazy so its not done and due tomorrow. ugh.

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  30. Jungle wa itsumo nochi hare guu 03
    krob47  almost 16 years ago

    Today when we point one of those things at someone and pull the trigger they end up wet or dead. Maybe they should be banned until they’re perfected and can turn enemies into friends.

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  31. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  almost 16 years ago

    krob47 says:

    Today when we point one of those things at someone and pull the trigger they end up wet or dead. Maybe they should be banned until they’re perfected and can turn enemies into friends.

    it is true that does happen and most of the time they dont end up wet. i like your idea, but i also have issues with it at the same time. all i will say is that i will not say anything more about it bc it could turn into a debate about politics and i dont want that.

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  32. Predestined
    magpiesrule  almost 16 years ago

    If this fell into the wrong hands guys we would never be able to watch live sports again, we would all look like Mr Darcy AND We would have to do the housework. The end of the world is nigh.

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  33. Pencil2
    SenorLapiz  almost 16 years ago

    Think of the possibilities! You could zap a Playboy picture and have it turn into the real thing! Not that they’re real… And, wait, wasn’t that a plot to a movie already? Weird Science or something…

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  34. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  over 15 years ago

    That is absolutely priceless!

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  35. Images
    krisch  over 15 years ago

    yeah i could use one.. is it on amazon..? heh he..

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  36. Screen shot 2020 11 19 at 10.15.06 am
    Vm  about 4 years ago

    or the latest in calvin imagination tech

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