La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for November 11, 2024

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member about 2 months ago

    If I mastered Hellcats over the Pacific, maybe I could get my pilots license?

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    klbdds  about 2 months ago

    video simulators are a training tool.

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    Kurtass  about 2 months ago

    Trump says, happy “suckers and losers” day.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member about 2 months ago

    While justifiably remembering our veterans, let’s also take some time to consider people who sserve the federal government in civilian capacities.

    We’ve just seen something that’s only happened once before in American history. Grover Cleveland won the presidency in 1884, lost it in 1888, and won it back again in 1892, becoming President #22 and 24. Donald Trump won in 2016, lost in 2020, and won again in 2024, becoming President #45 and 47. (Cleveland won the popular vote all 3 times, tho; Trump, only the last time.)

    Besides that similarity, they share a mutual interest in the federal civil-service system. Thruout most of the 19th Century, every time the White House changed occupants, there was massive turnover in federal offices, as jobs were awarded to members of the incoming president’s party. It didn’t much matter whether the new office-holders had much experience in those jobs, or even basic competence; those weren’t the primary criteria. Party loyalty was all that mattered. This was most noticeable in the favorite political plums of all: postmasterships in every city, village, town, and hamlet in the country, where party activists could be rewarded with a spot on the federal payroll without having to leave home. Of course, it meant the mail was screwed up everywhere for a couple of months thereafter, but hey, to the victor belong the spoils, right? That’s why this approach was called the “spoils system”.

    Cleveland didn’t like it. He wanted the public to be served by people who actually knew what they were doing and were good at it, so his administration created job requirements, recruited people who met them, encouraged them to develop detailed expertise, and rewarded good performance and longevity, so it was possible to make a career out of government work and actually establish institutional memory within the various departments and bureaus.

    But, as I said, he and Trump share a mutual interest in the civil service. Cleveland created it; Trump wants to de

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    dotbup  about 2 months ago

    Here’s a thread for anyone who’s been conned into believing trump cares about the US military or our troops.

    -Faked a disability 5 times to avoid a war he didn’t oppose

    -5 non-rich guys went to Vietnam in his place

    -Tried to kick homeless vets off 5th Ave

    -Stole from vets via his fraud online U

    -Lied about donating $1 million to veterans’ nonprofits

    -Said he’d make troops commit war crimes

    -Pardoned a guy who committed war crimes

    -Falsely claimed he signed Vets’ Choice into law

    -Insulted POWs

    -Insulted Gold Star Families

    -Fined for misusing funds from 2016 Vets fundraiser

    -Called Generals “dopes & babies”

    -Falsely accused US service members of stealing funds for Iraqi reconstruction

    -Deployed 5,600 soldiers to the border in a midterm election stunt

    -Personally insulted Generals Allen, Mattis, Kelly, Powell, McChrystal; Purple Heart recipients Mueller & Vindman, & Admiral McRaven

    -lied about donating $6 million to veterans groups in 2016

    -Sided with Putin against all branches of military intelligence

    -Blew off Veterans Day cemetery ceremony in France bc it was raining.

    -What he said to Myeshia Johnson, widow of ambushed Sgt. La David Johnson. Not gonna repeat it.

    -He’s trying to cut SNAP. Do you understand how much that hurts military families & vets?

    This is only 1/5th of a long collected list.

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    mistercatworks  about 2 months ago

    I think that’s Black Friday.

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    Godfreydaniel  about 2 months ago

    Traitor Trump weighed 100 pounds fewer when he suffered from “bone spurs”…..

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    Space_cat  about 1 month ago

    Let us hope the vast majority of these “Parents basement” dwellers are too fat and out of shape to be useful!

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    LJZ Premium Member about 1 month ago

    I want all you veterans who voted for t**** to remember the KIA losers and fellow suckers who served with you every time you see the fascist commander in chief you elected. You are a disgrace to their service!

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    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    All those ‘tough guys’ who run when confronted, and turned when they were in court. They couldn’t make it in the military.

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