DeFlocked by Jeff Corriveau for December 01, 2024

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 2 days ago

    I have 3 streaming services besides Prime which is good for my shipping. One costs 25 bucks a YEAR, the other 90 bucks a YEAR and Netflix is 17 bucks a MONTH. Altogether cheaper than my old cable bill by a lot. Recently found Tubi which is free and has some good shows and movies on it. I don’t mind commercials.

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  2. Face resize
    donut reply  2 days ago

    Watched Thursday night football on prime once. So many ads. I ended up turning it off before the game was over.

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  3. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  2 days ago

    We were paying about $200.00 a month to watch three channels, and two streaming services on top of that. We now pay about half that for three streaming services, with a lot more variety to choose from.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 2 days ago

    Unlike Cable that bundles everything you just pick the streaming services you actually watch. Of course if you sign up for every streaming app out there you’ll definitely break your budget

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    cracker65  2 days ago

    Mamet is about as intelligent as a pile of rocks

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    olds_cool63  2 days ago

    “Commie cable companies”? How stupid. If that were true, cable would be for and by EVERYONE. But, hey…keep making the capitalists wealthier while the working class and poor sink ever deeper in THE WEALTHIEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

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