Here’s another cartoon transcribed from life, more or less. After over a year of asking, haranguing, removing privileges, and trying to discuss WHY the kid wasn’t doing this chore, I looked around and said, “You do realize this is an easy job, don’t you?” in a quiet voice. Oh, The look on that face. Garbage goes out properly, now. Who’d have guessed?
ATGMer about 13 hours ago
If it’s easy, then it’s not work. If it’s not work, then it’s a hobby.
markkahler52 about 11 hours ago
Then, feed the dog and clean your room… THAT’S Work!!
cuzinron47 about 7 hours ago
Well that was easy.
gregcartoon Premium Member about 6 hours ago
Here’s another cartoon transcribed from life, more or less. After over a year of asking, haranguing, removing privileges, and trying to discuss WHY the kid wasn’t doing this chore, I looked around and said, “You do realize this is an easy job, don’t you?” in a quiet voice. Oh, The look on that face. Garbage goes out properly, now. Who’d have guessed?
rjarchuleta about 6 hours ago
NolaMan about 3 hours ago
at first I thought Dad was giving advice for an easy and cheap date