Wikipedia “ Harvey Ross Ball (July 10, 1921 – April 12, 2001) was an American commercial artist. He is recognized as the inventor of the popular smiley face graphic picture, which became an enduring and notable international icon. He never applied for a trademark for the iconic smiley image and only earned $45 for his efforts. Ball later founded the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation in 1999, a non-profit charitable trust that supports children’s causes.”
Julius Marold Premium Member about 1 month ago
The Wussites aren’t “ancient”, there’s plenty of them still around.
MS72 about 1 month ago
Wikipedia “ Harvey Ross Ball (July 10, 1921 – April 12, 2001) was an American commercial artist. He is recognized as the inventor of the popular smiley face graphic picture, which became an enduring and notable international icon. He never applied for a trademark for the iconic smiley image and only earned $45 for his efforts. Ball later founded the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation in 1999, a non-profit charitable trust that supports children’s causes.”
Thehag about 1 month ago
Awww, nice, is not wussy.