As a former NJ resident, I hope your theory is right about the drones Lennie. Very hopeful yours turns out to be right, though I will point out The Germans sent submarines to our coast at the start of WWII, so as much as some Americans disdain us (thinking of you Archie Bunker) those overseas have sought us out in times of worldwide turmoil.
sergioandrade Premium Member 3 days ago
“In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” Sir Terry Pratchett
"Doon the Watter" on the Waverley 2 days ago
As a former NJ resident, I hope your theory is right about the drones Lennie. Very hopeful yours turns out to be right, though I will point out The Germans sent submarines to our coast at the start of WWII, so as much as some Americans disdain us (thinking of you Archie Bunker) those overseas have sought us out in times of worldwide turmoil.
ladykat 2 days ago
I understand where Lennie is coming from. I live with cats, too!
Arthur I Romeo Premium Member 2 days ago
And you worship the ground she walks on, right?
morningglory73 Premium Member 2 days ago
You have a very strange cat Lennie.
Teto85 Premium Member 2 days ago
Yes. A few of the clowder would like us to treat them like the dieties they are.
markkahler52 2 days ago
My cat! Lord of LED! I am yours! I have nothing which is not Thine!
markkahler52 2 days ago
Gracious is the light of thy countenance! Your earthly service a sweet delight!!
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 2 days ago