Peanuts by Charles Schulz for January 02, 1965

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    woodnote  almost 13 years ago

    Yeah. “Woof” won’t help much.

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    MrJamie1062  over 11 years ago

    Anyone who would try getting something BIG and IMPORTANT like writing a book report, accomplished in only a matter of 24 HOURS, much less at the ELEVENTH HOUR, of all times, would obviously feel like an old LP record played at the old speed of 78 RPM—well, they certainly WOULD HAVE to work their BUNS OFF!!!

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    ootey  over 6 years ago

    Realizing, of course, that dogs can’t talk.

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    weatherford.joe  about 6 years ago

    Charlie Brown’s a little young for that book, isn’t he? I didn’t have to read Gulliver’s Travels until I was a senior in high school… but then again, he also had to read War and Peace for a class assignment, a book that would make grad students openly weep.

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