To all the women out there: I beg you, for the love of mercy – please, please, please don’t come over to my place wearing tear-away bikinis and carrying pepperoni pizzas! PLEASE! 8)
yyyguy: You know, I watched curling during the last winter Olympics, and got hooked. It’s a great sport, eh?
I probably should’ve picked something more appropriate, like the barbecue team.
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
Michael Binkley, you’re not as naive as you act!
Rakkav over 15 years ago
Now if this were Jason Fox, he might pull this stunt off.
okeedoekee over 15 years ago
Man, Binkley, why didn’t you quit while you were ahead?!
jrbj over 15 years ago
If he’d only left out the cheesecake he’d have pulled it off. Ah yes, greed will be your undoing every time.
Ray_C over 15 years ago
Sometimes the bears win, sometimes the bulls win, but the pigs never win.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
@Ray C: Chicago sports fan?
Sherlock Watson over 15 years ago
To all the women out there: I beg you, for the love of mercy – please, please, please don’t come over to my place wearing tear-away bikinis and carrying pepperoni pizzas! PLEASE! 8)
Ushindi over 15 years ago
“Oh, please don’t throw me in the brier patch” - worked for Brer Rabbit……..
Ray_C over 15 years ago
yyyguy: Worse. I’m a Detroit sports fan. At least the Bears won a couple of games last year. The Chicago Pigs must be the curling team, eh?
4deerinmyyard over 15 years ago
Sherlock: Okay.
yyyguy over 15 years ago
hey Ray C: don’t diss curling, man! half of Canada will be up in arms (or at least swinging their brooms at you). at least you have the red wings!
Ray_C over 15 years ago
yyyguy: You know, I watched curling during the last winter Olympics, and got hooked. It’s a great sport, eh? I probably should’ve picked something more appropriate, like the barbecue team.
bwayjohni over 15 years ago
so close, and yet…