The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 19, 2000
Huey: I don't get this whole thing with video games. Riley: What, you mean why you keep losing? Huey: No. Everyone is worried about kids and violence, right? And kids using guns... So why don't they go after the gun manufacturers and gun dealers instead of people who make video games. It doesn't make sense. Riley: Sure it does. Pretend you're some stupid parent activist person... Who would you rather start beef with - some nerd who makes video games or some punk with a warehouse full of AK-47s? Huey: You know... I'm actually much more impressed by that point than I care to admit... Riley: Of course. I'm deep. Just don't tell nobody.
Laer_ValeSei about 13 years ago
Riley is Fresh and deep fo surez but he dumb as hell but he got good business sense
suzannetangerine almost 13 years ago
It’s also worth noting that the NRA spends LOTS of money on lobbyists, and that the people who make video games have no lobby to speak of, so our elected officials don’t lose campaign contributions if they regulate the latter. It’s an easy concession for them to make.
Talax over 6 years ago
Neither gun manufacturers nor sellers sell to kids.
Coolyfett about 5 years ago
Even now in 2020, national terrorism\mass shootings by Euro-Americans is being blamed on video games. A lot of what was said about the N R A here in The Boondocks still applies to them. Riley makes a good point here. Why go after the real problem when video game publishers can be blamed?